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Platform Introduction
Platform Introduction
Yandex is one of the important network service portals in Russia. Yandex currently provides services including search, latest news, maps and encyclopedias, e-mail, e-commerce, Internet advertising and other services.
Main business
Provide books, movies, cosmetics, shoes, clothing, stationery and toys from 150 e-commerce websites
Platform advantages
Yandex.Market has a variety of product categories that are not available in Russia's local mobile e-commerce platform
Related information
Official community
urban community
 New seller opening communication group
New seller opening communication group
Additive group
 Amazon Communication Group
Amazon Communication Group
Additive group
 TT communication group
TT communication group
Additive group
 Independent station exchange group
Independent station exchange group
Additive group
 Shrimp skin communication group
Shrimp skin communication group
Additive group
 OZON AC group
OZON AC group
Additive group
 Pinduoduo Communication Group
Pinduoduo Communication Group
Additive group
 Selection communication group
Selection communication group
Additive group
 Shenzhen seller exchange group
Shenzhen seller exchange group
Additive group
 Guangzhou seller exchange group
Guangzhou seller exchange group
Additive group
 Hangzhou seller exchange group
Hangzhou seller exchange group
Additive group
 Xiamen seller exchange group
Xiamen seller exchange group
Additive group
 Other urban exchange groups
Other urban exchange groups
Additive group
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