Hugo Cross border is a Facebook advertisement
The only top agent in cross-border e-commerce
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Hugo cross-border is Google advertising
The only top agent in cross-border e-commerce
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TikTok For Business
Official certification agent
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Shopify DTC brand goes to sea
Official partners of cross-border e-commerce
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How Hugo Cross border will cooperate with Facebook to build your independent station brand
Coupon Million Plan
Officially granted by Facebook, Hugo cross-border customers can enjoy advertising subsidies
Facebook advertising pre audit green channel
Hugo cross-border senior release engineer prequalified to reduce the risk of violation and closure of Facebook advertising account
Facebook potential e-commerce customer DTC brand sailing plan
Facebook, together with Hugo, provides early advertising planning support and optimization support for potential cross-border e-commerce enterprises, enabling high-quality brands to go to sea
Facebook platform e-commerce customer fledgling eagle plan
For cross-border platform sellers, use Facebook to expand business
Facebook SMB growth support
Facebook&Hugo officially supports the 0-1 growth path of novice e-commerce sellers
How Hugo Cross border will cooperate with Google to build your independent station brand
”0 "Cost Flow Acceleration Program
Through the cross-border opening of Google account by Hugo, you can get free Buy On Google or Free Listings traffic support
Springfield Plan
Official support of Google&Hugo, e-commerce incubation scheme of SMB independent station
Google's premium outbound e-commerce new customer reward plan
Google's official equity incentive for Hugo cross-border high-quality potential brand business customers
GMC green fast unblocking channel
Officially authorized Hugo cross-border green channel, quickly unblocked
Hugo cross-border exclusive Google JBP plan channel (Joint Business Plan)
Exclusive marketing service for Google's key customers in the first year
JTP joint strategic plan for potential Google brand customers
Google's official strategy experts, together with Hugo's cross-border chief optimizer, provide full link support for potential customers
How Hugo Cross border will cooperate with TikTok to build your independent station brand
TikTok novice seller growth plan
One stop account management service to help enterprises realize green channel fast account opening
TikTok potential e-commerce customer brand sailing plan
TikTok cooperates with Hugo to customize overseas marketing solutions and enable high-quality brands to go to sea
TikTok official targeted services
Rich official direct customer resources, develop exclusive marketing plans for potential customers
TikTok Overseas Market Insight
Massive overseas e-commerce customers, covering rich customer data, and providing timely market insight
Mature and professional service team
Professional optimizer team provides online guidance to explore better advertising revenue
How Hugo Cross border will cooperate with shopify to create a dedicated website for you
Shopify officially authorized unblocking channel
Hugo cross-border exclusive unblocking channel, green and fast unblocking
Shopify official category data insight
Analysis of advantageous markets and popular categories, and interpretation of global consumption trends
Shopify Academy
Course guidance for Shopify background to create, manage and track marketing activities
Shipify DTC's official cross-border e-commerce partner
Shopify cooperates with Hugo cross-border to provide outbound services for cross-border e-commerce enterprises with brand building potential
How Hugo Cross border will provide independent station business solutions for small and medium-sized sellers
Hugo Cross Border has a complete set of funnel solutions to provide direction and help for customers at every step of their growth journey. Hugo Cross Border focuses on support and grows together with small and medium-sized sellers who have just contacted the business of independent stations.
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How can Hugo Cross border help your business
As a service platform focusing on cross-border e-commerce, Hugo Cross Border connects more than 2000 factories and suppliers, and gathers more than 300 service providers to create a perfect service ecosystem of independent stations, and provides all-round services for product selection - logistics - payment&collection - station building - drainage - website operation - brand marketing.
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Hugo cross-border advantages
Perfect cross-border service ecology
Connect with more than 2000 factories and suppliers, gather more than 300 service providers, and meet the service needs of cross-border enterprises in a one-stop manner by virtue of a perfect independent station service ecosystem
Close partnership with Shopify, Google and Facebook
As the official partner of Shopify DTC brand going to sea and the only top agent of Google/Facebook in the cross-border e-commerce field, we have maintained a close partnership with the official team to provide users with various green service channels
Years of cross-border e-commerce experience
Provide sellers with cross-border business knowledge systems such as online celebrity lectures, offline quality training, industry frontier consulting, market insight white papers, etc
Reliable industry reputation endorsement
Cultivate the cross-border e-commerce field for many years, uphold the enterprise values of customer first, integrity first and innovation first, and win the reputation of the cross-border e-commerce industry with high-quality and reliable services
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Customer Stories
Pursue technology Dreame (Xiaomi ecological chain brand, leading domestic smart appliances)
Hugo cross-border helped Chase Technology achieve about 90 million Facebook advertising coverage in three months, Google has displayed about 100 million ads, with the CPC as low as $0.07. During the launch of new products, 65 million advertisements were displayed, covering Russia, France, Spain and other key European markets, and about 30 million people were exposed, It has brought about 550000 link clicks, bringing huge and high-quality traffic for brand activities.
Fujian Xinshiying E-commerce Co., Ltd. (Fujian Leading Sailing Women's Wear)
Hugo cross-border helped Xinshiying transform from a traditional clothing foreign trade manufacturer to an overseas fashion clothing e-commerce enterprise by virtue of the advantages of overseas integrated marketing services. Since the transformation of Xinshiying, the whole station during the omni channel promotion Google's advertising ROI is up to 20, Facebook advertising ROI is up to 45. At present, it has achieved the goal of sales exceeding 10 billion yuan in three years.
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About Hugo cross-border

Facebook Collaboration

Google cooperation

TikTok cooperation

Shopify cooperation

Independent station solution

How Hugo Can Help

Hugo's advantages

Customer Stories

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