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Amazon Netherlands

Basic information
 Amazon Netherlands
On January 15, 2020, Amazon announced that the Dutch site was officially open to global sellers for registration.

Amazon Holland is really here, officially open to global sellers! Sellers can now enter here , seize the market opportunity!

Amazon Holland Station,, was launched in 2014. This site is only used for book sales. Amazon Holland is just a pure online bookstore and Kindle service center for Dutch consumers.

Since 2016, Amazon Germany has launched the Dutch version, and most of the shopping of Dutch local consumers in Amazon is done through Amazon Germany. In 2017, Amazon launched the Prime membership program to the Netherlands, and Dutch consumers can enjoy the Prime membership service as well as other site consumers in the five European countries. In 2018, the Netherlands became the country of Prime Day promotion.

The Dutch e-commerce market has good development potential

As a developed country in Europe, the Netherlands has a rapid economic development and a relatively mature e-commerce market.

According to the data of Thinswinkel Markt Monitor 2018 released by the Dutch E-commerce Association

The Netherlands has 13.5 million online shoppers, accounting for about 80% of the total population;

In 2018, the Dutch e-commerce market reached 23.7 billion euros, an increase of 10% over 2017;

In 2018, the online shopping turnover in the Netherlands was 13.1 billion euros, accounting for 9.6% of the total retail sales in the country;

In 2018, about 35% of Dutch online shoppers used smart phones to shop on the Internet.

It seems that the consumption potential of the Netherlands is considerable.

How to open a shop in Holland?

If the seller already has an Amazon European joint account (a European joint seller account can be used to sell goods on Britain, Germany, Italy, France), it is not necessary to create a separate seller account for, and will automatically appear in the seller account. If you use a separate seller account to manage the business of each Amazon EU online store and want to sell goods on, you need to register to open the store.

How to choose products for Amazon Holland Station?

If you want to make a lot of money in the new site, the selection must be a key link.

The most popular product categories in Dutch e-commerce are tourism and tickets (38.96%), followed by telecommunications (12.82%), consumer electronics (7.84%), computer hardware and software (7.57%), clothing and shoes (7.48%) and media (6.36%).

According to the statistics of the Dutch E-commerce Association, the fastest growing product category in the Netherlands in recent two years is food/near food. This category increased by 35% in 2017 and 24% in 2018.

In addition, the Netherlands is known as the Kingdom of Bicycles. Every man, woman, old and young has at least one bicycle, even more than the population. Therefore, the bicycle market in the Netherlands is a bright spot. Bicycle accessories, decorations and other products are very likely to be favored by the Dutch.

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