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Basic information
Brand refers to consumers' awareness of products and product series.

In a broad sense, "brand" is an intangible asset with economic value. It uses abstract, unique and identifiable mental concepts to express its differences, so as to occupy a certain position in people's consciousness. Brand building is long-term.

In a narrow sense, "brand" is a kind of "standard" or "rule" with internal and external characteristics. It is a general name of a recognition system that makes it unique, valuable, long-term and cognitive by standardizing and regularizing the four aspects of concept, behavior, vision and hearing. This system is also called the CIS (corporate identity system) system.

Is it necessary to register a trademark to create a brand when doing cross-border e-commerce?

01. The business process is very complex and the business forms are various

However, enterprises in commercial enterprises can be divided into two types:

One is to create value, the other is to convey value.

Gree is a company that creates value. Gree's air conditioners are exported to countries all over the world, and its brand value has reached 68 billion yuan.

Suning is a company that transmits value. Suning is to sell the products of these brand names to the maximum extent.

The company that creates value is the engine of the business world, and the company that transmits value is the fuel of the engine.

We turn our attention to cross-border e-commerce.

There is no doubt that companies like Anker that create value have been deeply impressed by European and American foreigners.

When foreigners want to buy power bank and other related products, anker is their first choice.

For most small and medium-sized sellers in the platform, most are still in the stage of value transmission.

Or, more frankly, the cross-border e-commerce porters.

How can small and medium-sized businesses make profits? They use the information gap to export cheap domestic products abroad, and then earn a certain exchange rate difference.

This is the profit method of more than 90% of Amazon sellers.

What about the other 10%?

The other 10% have already made their own brands and can enjoy a certain brand premium.

Before the novice seller enters the market, has he considered clearly that he wants to be a porter?

Or want to be a founder?

02. For most new Amazon sellers, survival is the most important issue, and survival is more important than anything

However, no matter what you do, you must see the future and take a long-term view.

If you go to Amazon to start a business to solve the food and clothing problem, you can choose not to register a trademark.

However, shopping malls are like battlefields. Comfort is temporary and time limited.

The products that you think sell well will attract many big sellers to sell together in the blink of an eye.

In terms of resources, capital, channels and experience, these big sellers are far better than you. You compete with them, which is equivalent to killing yourself.

The product advantages you have accumulated will soon be broken down, and the products you think you are familiar with will also be sent to others directly.

This is why there are more and more low-cost products on the platform, some of which are even cheaper than the purchase price on 1688.

Some sellers are filled with emotion. Are these sellers coming to charity?

What is the business logic of purchasing at $10 and selling at $8

In fact, it is very simple. The sellers who play low prices are no longer concerned with temporary interests. They pursue the long-term advantages of the entire category, so they have a very large number of orders.

Therefore, we saw in 1688 that the price of a 10 yuan item may be only 4 yuan for purchase, and others have far less cost than you. How can you compete with others?

Therefore, with the influx of cross-border sellers, any category in theory may fall into the abyss of price war.

Many sellers just entered the market and didn't know anything about it. It must be the simplest and rudest way for them to sell at a discount.

The price is pressing on the floor step by step.

Therefore, from this perspective, it is a necessary way to do cross-border industry, brand and R&D in the long run.

This road is difficult to walk, but it must still be taken, whether fast or slow, but the first step must be taken.

03. There are macro advantages of registered trademarks to create brands. Here are the specific advantages

First, registered trademarks can more effectively prevent malicious co selling.

Some people were co sold and complained to Amazon that they had not been well resolved. They concluded that the brand declaration and filing had no effect on the co sale.

According to this logic, all Samsung mobile phones are dangerous goods, because someone used Samsung mobile phones before when it exploded.

In fact, this is just a matter of probability. It is responsible to say that the success rate of preventing being sold is still high after the registered brand is filed.

Second, after the brand is registered, you can have the right to edit a+page.

It is difficult to quantify the contribution of A+pages to transformation. Amazon's official data is that the conversion rate of A+pages can be increased by about 5%.

The conversion rate is directly related to the sales volume and search order of products. A 5% increase is very attractive for some products.

Finally, you can set up your own brand flagship store after registering the trademark and registering the brand.

This has no effect on beginner sellers for the time being, but it is still the same sentence. People must take a long-term perspective in doing things, and do not need and cannot give up this skill for the time being.

Therefore, for beginner sellers, the registration of trademarks is one of the matters that should be carried out simultaneously with the registration of stores.

The term of registered trademark is 6-10 months. When your trademark registration is completed, you will have more than half a year of operation experience in the cross-border e-commerce platform industry.

At this time, the arrival of trademarks can add many skills to your operation.

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