Imagination Amazon ASIN data collector

Basic information
 Imagination Amazon ASIN data collector
Chuangxiang Amazon ASIN collector (Chuangxiang Amazon data collector) is a foreign trade tool developed and operated by Chuangqiu Network Technology Co., Ltd. - Chuangxiang Software Development Studio. It is a collector specially developed for Amazon. It has powerful functions and is the preferred data collection auxiliary tool for Amazon sellers.

major function

·Support the batch collection of listing pages of various commodities (store foreground, search results, TOP100 classification, etc.);

·Support the collection of 12 Amazon sites in the world, such as North America and Europe;

·Support the collection of sub commodity (variant) information;

·It supports the collection of commodity ASIN code, price, comments, offers, time of listing, Rank classification ranking, title, short description and long description of main commodities;

·It supports the collection of high-definition pictures, thumbnail pictures, commodity details, variant high-definition thumbnails, variant details;

·Support user-defined regular configuration, user-defined field setting, convenient HTML text extraction, debugging, multiple results and user-defined filtering, and collect the data you need;

·Support filters, which can filter specified prices, offers, filter words, classifications, rankings, variant models, and strong web filtering;

·Batch price modification is supported;

·It supports the collection of product information, reviews of all buyers, Q&A questions and answers, information of all sellers with the specified ASIN, associated products, lowest offer price, etc;

·It supports condition deleters, which can freely select different user-defined filter configurations, manually filter and delete imported or collected data, and support filtering reason output;

·It supports automatic deletion of non variant goods, main goods with variants, and variants the same as the main goods ASIN. Only variants the same as the main goods ASIN are collected;

·Support exporting Excel/txt/WEB/XML;

Product function

1. Follow up options: collect store data in batches and follow up sales in batches (generally for customized products, with sufficient supply), collect all price targeted quotations, support the export of follow up templates, and export Amazon specific follow up templates in batches with one click, which is simple and fast.

2. Competitive product analysis: collect the review content and other data of competitors' listing, analyze the number of negative comments, statistically analyze the word frequency to evaluate the popularity of words, and analyze the comprehensive data of other products (the number of reviews, scores, RANK, etc.).

3. Extensive selection: collect data of specified categories, TOP100 product pages, stores, and search results, conduct batch screening and sorting, extract the best products, and improve the selection efficiency.

4. Fixed point monitoring: support regular or manual data collection, support comparator, analyze the ranking change, reviews, offer quantity, price, etc. within the product time interval, with its own script planning tool, which can automatically complete the required tasks and automatically save data snapshots of specified commodities in different periods.

5. Data analysis: collect reviews comments, QA questions and answers, associated goods, etc. of the specified goods, support monthly reviews statistics, statistics by model, statistical charts, word frequency statistics, fast filtering, and search for negative review data.

6. Data moving: collect data and pictures of specified goods, and edit them into upload templates of other platforms for uploading and distribution.

7. Image capture: Quickly capture all images and details of a batch or an ASIN product and sub products, and support user-defined file names.

8. Improving office efficiency: screening product edge tools, enriching collection auxiliary tools, including all kinds of page data collection, one click analysis and collection of variant images, enriching and regularly updating data statistics, data deletion and other functions, greatly improving office efficiency.

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