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Amazon infringement

Basic information
 Amazon infringement
Infringement is generally divided into three types: copyright infringement, trademark infringement and patent infringement.

Amazon sellers need to maintain four types of intellectual property rights: copyright, trademark, utility patent and design patent. Take the following measures in time.

Possible countermeasures include:

1. When Amazon notifies the seller of infringement, the seller should actively respond.

2. Browse the content guide and anti-counterfeiting policy.

3. Find out the products or relevant listing information that violate the intellectual product law and Amazon policy.

4. Contact intellectual property owners and talk to them directly. Generally, they are easier to communicate than lawyers. If you can't find the intellectual property owner, please contact Amazon's legal representative mentioned in the suspension email.

5. Provide a list of suppliers and their contract terms.

6. Request the intellectual property owner or agent to withdraw the complaint.

7. If the intellectual property owner or its agent does not reply, contact a lawyer for help.

8. If the seller can afford to stop his account, he can wait until he has settled the matter with the property owner before writing a specific improvement plan (POA).

9. Write an action plan that includes the owner's agreement to withdraw the complaint.

10. If the complaint has not been withdrawn, submit a detailed list of steps to Amazon, indicating what measures the seller and its lawyers have taken to avoid future infringement, or proving the irrationality of the complaint.

11. Check the quality management measures and train the employees to identify vulnerable products and listing types.

12. Remove or clear all inventory products that cause Amazon account to be suspended and products prohibited from selling on the platform.

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