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Basic information
It refers to determining the location, the place to be determined or pointed out, and the location or boundary of the property (such as through survey).

Accurate store positioning can be divided into the following parts.

---Product positioning---

Product positioning is the choice of products. It is said that the store operation will be half successful if the products are selected correctly in the later stage.

First of all, when we choose products, we must understand the properties of the products, so that we can better communicate and solve the problems of customers. If the product has the same model, you can compare it with it and analyze its advantages and disadvantages.

Small sellers of the selected categories are not suitable for making too large categories, and the competitiveness is great. The products of the large categories are generally widely accepted, so it is difficult for small sellers to have enough energy to control them.

After determining the product, you can optimize the product keywords and analyze the exposure, and later modify the product according to the data.

---Crowd positioning---

Crowd positioning is your sensitivity to the audience of the product, as well as their age, gender, region, occupation, etc.

Only by fully understanding the preferences and habits of the audience can we continuously optimize the product, keep the product attributes and labels close to the audience, and expand the scope of influence as much as possible.

---Price positioning---

Price is usually the most important issue for consumers. Each product has a price range, and the target consumers are different. Generally, the middle and high parts of the price range are selected.

Customers like low price products, but this does not mean that low price products will win the trust of customers. Customers like products with low price and good quality, that is, "good quality and low price" products. If you blindly reduce the price, but the product quality is not guaranteed, it is useless; Therefore, pricing is also a big problem~

Fit your product cost and set a reasonable price for your products.

For sellers who have newly opened stores, it is recommended that the stores set up four types of funds: diversion funds, profit funds, activity funds and image funds.

Diversion fund: it is a low-cost product, which can be used as the main product of the store. Its role is mainly to attract the store, and try to choose the product with high conversion rate.

Profit model: relying on such products to obtain more profits and sales, it can even make up for the losses caused by excessive low price of the drainage model. In the early stage, it is necessary to select target people, accurately analyze their preferences, and consider various aspects such as style and price according to preferences.

Activities: The opening of a new store must involve activities. This product is mainly used to clear inventory and offset sales.

Image style: This product is mainly set to make a good impression on customers and to enhance the brand image. It is a niche product with high quality and high customer price.

Summary: The above aspects are the most basic and important settings of store positioning. There are more and more cross-border sellers. It is necessary to make differentiation between the same products and constantly improve the conversion rate. It is necessary for novice sellers to constantly study the factors of product selection, price positioning and target consumers, and constantly learn to analyze similar target sellers to learn from each other!

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