Hugo cross-border service
WeChat code scanning, open applet
Hugo marketing service official account
Access to cost-effective overseas local resources
Free consultation
Is it too troublesome to find the service yourself?
Contact the exclusive cross-border consultant of Hugo to solve all your problems online!
Hugo self operated
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Operational tools
In the whole process of cross-border e-commerce, proper use of some software tools can greatly simplify the workflow and effectively improve the implementation efficiency.
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Find logistics
Cross border logistics refers to the transportation of goods from one country to another country or region, which requires domestic transportation, double clearance customs declaration, destination domestic transportation and final distribution to the buyer
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Tax compliance
Pay attention to the protection of intellectual property rights and avoid infringement
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Cross border collection
How can the payment made by overseas consumers when purchasing goods be transferred to the account of domestic sellers? This requires the use of collection tools
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Marketing promotion
One stop service of overseas social media, online celebrity marketing and marketing materials
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Grievance services
Complaint types of services: ODR performance, policy violation, description discrepancy, order surge, manipulation comments, abuse variants, infringement, account association, Amazon second instance
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Training and learning
Hugo's cross-border e-commerce professional training platform
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Find the supplier
Hugo selects suppliers and CCEE aims to help factories find good sellers and factories
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Business cooperation
Hugo cross-border business cooperation
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Operational tools
In the whole process of cross-border e-commerce, proper use of some software tools can greatly simplify the workflow and effectively improve the implementation efficiency.
Choose the best
ERP tools
Keyword mining
Anti follow selling
customer management
Advertising optimization
Network Accelerator
Find logistics
Cross border logistics refers to the transportation of goods from one country to another country or region, which requires domestic transportation, double clearance customs declaration, destination domestic transportation and final distribution to the buyer
Pay attention to whether the logistics freight rate is stable and transparent Inspect the transport capacity and class capacity of logistics providers Investigate the delivery rate and timeliness of logistics companies Inspect the customs clearance capability of logistics providers Is there a service of no stock arrangement in peak season
a dedicated line
Overseas warehousing
Small bag
FBA first pass
Tax compliance
Pay attention to the protection of intellectual property rights and avoid infringement
Trademark registration
VAT registration declaration
Company registration
Ioss registration declaration
EPR Registration
Cross border collection
How can the payment made by overseas consumers when purchasing goods be transferred to the account of domestic sellers? This requires the use of collection tools
Platform Collection
Independent station collection
Foreign trade collection
Fiscal audit
Overseas bank account opening
Financing loan
The success rate of payment is up to 95%
Online preferential price
PICC PICC Property Insurance Amazon Insurance Accelerator
From 1280 premiums, discounts beyond the renewal amount
Marketing promotion
One stop service of overseas social media, online celebrity marketing and marketing materials
Grievance services
Complaint types of services: ODR performance, policy violation, description discrepancy, order surge, manipulation comments, abuse variants, infringement, account association, Amazon second instance
If the store is limited, the reason for free inquiry Provide appeal template for various situations Try your best to solve the problem, and refund in full if you fail
Complaint Service Advisor Vicky
Find the supplier
Hugo selects suppliers and CCEE aims to help factories find good sellers and factories
Strictly select the factory, and the material meets the export requirements Low MOQ, fast delivery speed It supports the issue of one piece, and has no worries about return or replacement
Find the supplier
Supplier settlement
Supplier Service Advisor Amelia
Business cooperation
Hugo cross-border business cooperation
self-support Supplier cooperation
Hugo cross-border official cooperation