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How to deal with a large number of 404 links generated by Shopify multi language shutdown?
Hugo Q&A Assistant: If you turn off the multilingual function of Shopify website, many old language version links will generate 404 pages, which will have a negative impact on your SEO and user experience. The following are two general processing methods, and the specific situation needs to be analyzed according to your website: Use 301 redirection: redirect the old language version link 301 to the corresponding page of the main language version. This will ensure that any old links will point to the correct page and will help you retain the value of any old links. Create 404 pages: Create a custom 404 page on your Shopify website to provide other information and resources about the website to help users find the content they are looking for.
Independent station Shopify
My product needs to be customized. Shopify, do you recommend any app application plug-ins that support the subscription payment?
Hugo Q&A Assistant: Hello, you can try the Split Partial Payments plug-in, which can realize payment in installments. For the recommendation of the easy-to-use shopify plug-in, refer to the content written by the Hugo observer:
Shopify Independent station
If a domestic company changes its address in Hong Kong and applies for shopify payment, will it be closed?
Hugo Q&A Assistant: Shopify may be banned due to the following behaviors. It is recommended to operate cautiously: 1. Modify the credit card information bound to Shopify store background. 2. Address selection. In Shopify background address setting, non mainland regions such as the United States or Canada are selected. Once Shopify detects that the IP address of the Shopify store is logged in at home, but the address set by the back office of the store is abroad, the store will be closed. 3. For proxy problems, generally purchase or use a free proxy, and the IP address used will change frequently. Since Shopify's background login address often changes, Shopify thinks your account is in an unsafe state, so it will be temporarily blocked. Of course, if the account is closed due to this situation, you can unseal it by sending an email to shopify to inform him of the reason.
Shopify, a domestic company, but registered in the United States, should pay the sales tax in the United States?
Hugo Q&A Assistant: According to the relevant laws of the United States, businesses registered in the United States need to pay sales tax to the corresponding states in their orders sold to the United States. The specific requirements vary from state to state. You need to check the specific requirements of each state and comply with relevant laws and regulations. You can use Shopify's automatic tax settings. These settings include the default sales tax and freight, and the tax rate is updated regularly. For specific operation process, please refer to: (This guide is only applicable to Shopify merchants in the United States. If the policy has been updated, it can be timely reviewed and fed back by us.)
Shopify what information is needed for building the station
Hugo Q&A Assistant: 1. Domain name When a cross-border seller has just created an independent Shopify station, Shopify will give away the domain name, which is generally in the format of * * * The domain name is relatively long and can be used, but it is not conducive to the memory and input of visitors and buyers. Domain names can be purchased directly at shopify or from a third party such as Alibaba Cloud, and then bound to the seller's store. It is recommended that the seller purchase a domain name such as the top-level domain name * * *. com, which is preferably composed of letters, without alphanumeric characters and underscores. The domain name is a letter, number, and underscore domain name that looks like a junk domain name in the domain name service provider. 2. Email The professional domain name mailbox is the second step to establish a professional independent station. Good domain name selection and good mailbox selection lay a good foundation for the trust, traffic acquisition and conversion rate of independent stations in the later stage! 3. Theme Whether it is a free theme or a paid theme, the theme suitable for the seller's own store product route and product style is a good theme. The theme is just a framework, and the process of enriching the theme is the key for the seller to decorate the store. Plug in position, button position, LOGO, description, background image quality, etc. 4. Product The product is the core content of the seller's independent station. How to display, classify, label, form a secondary page, and price on an independent station are some preparations that sellers need to make in advance. 5. Collection account The seller needs to have a collection account that can be connected with Shopify independent station. It is worth noting that the collection of Shopify independent station requires enterprise qualification.
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