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Zoho Campaigns Email Marketing Tools

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Highlights Email marketing automation A/B test improves email marketing conversion rate Custom Mail Template
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Zoho Campaigns Email Marketing Tools
15 days free trial
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Service Details

Zoho Campaigns is a popular email mass sending tool, which can meet the email marketing needs and difficulties of enterprises of different scales. Applicable regions: the United States, China, Spain; France; Japan; Canada; britain; Germany; Advantages of India and Australia: 1. Provide mail template for easy design; 2. It is easy to operate and can be used without training; 3. Email marketing automation; 4. Rich reports and charts; 5. High cost performance
Various cooperation schemes are freely selected.

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The title, price, details and other information of goods/services displayed by Hugo Cross border (including websites, clients, etc.) are provided by the actual service provider. If the user has any questions about the title, price, details and other information of the goods/services, he/she can directly communicate with the service provider for confirmation. For other questions, please consult the official consultant of Hugo. Any dispute arising from the service behavior between the third party service provider and the user shall be settled by the third party service provider and the user or through legal means, and the legal consequences shall be borne by the third party service provider and the user. Hugo Cross Border can participate in the relevant coordination and mediation work according to the user's application, but will not bear any responsibility for the dispute and mediation work.