About us
Maijia Support (maijiazhichi. com)
Maijia Support (maijiazhichi. com), in strategic cooperation with many American lawyers, will match the best American lawyers in each case to reduce all losses (compensation/legal fees/time). Our business focuses on "TRO settlement, response, litigation protection, lawyer letter complaint, Amazon arbitration, California Act 65, and provides free self-help court progress/free legal advice" : Committed to providing legal assistance to Chinese cross-border e-commerce sellers and assisting them in dealing with legal cases involving intellectual property infringement on the U.S. e-commerce platform (product infringement leads to litigation, which is temporarily prohibited by the U.S. court“
Low settlement fee
The settlement fee negotiated by lawyers is lower than the industry level
Efficient and fast
No waiting for immediate processing/regular follow-up feedback
American lawyer
All American lawyers handle cases
Professional focus
Focusing on US TRO infringement lawyer letter cases
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TRO Information
Maijia Service
Infringement answer
What if the e-commerce platform can't withdraw cash without any notice?
The following ways: 1) Self check infringement through the content in the offline link; 2) Consulting platform customer service; 3) And other platforms or plaintiffs to send relevant emails.
My link has been off the shelf for 2 years. Can I still be prosecuted?
Generally, the time limit for filing a lawsuit is 3 years, so even if it has been off the shelf for more than two years, the other party intercepted the evidence during the link listing period, and the lawsuit can be successfully filed
Is it hard to sell with others? How can I receive TRO even if I only sell one product?
This is normal. If the other party catches the co seller during the period of evidence collection, they will be charged with intercepting evidence together.
Is it feasible to choose appeal for freezing legal cases? Can we appeal through the platform first?
No, the platform complaint cannot be resolved in relation to the law, and the court needs to withdraw the complaint, and the plaintiff's law firm submits the withdrawal letter to the platform, and the account will be unfrozen only after the review is passed.
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Hugo exclusive service commitment
  • Follow up weekly most of the time
  • It will be followed up until the account is unfrozen
  • Timely handle entrusted cases on the same day
  • Successful case negotiation and agreement signing
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