Wish e-commerce training

Ye Qing returns! You use this every day Wish The website has been revised!
The official website of the new version of Wish E-Business School is online!
Wish merchant platform · 2020-11-20
Yiwu cross-border E-commerce training Which one is good? Yiwu cross-border E-commerce training Organization ranking
Many cross-border e-commerce platform sellers make purchases in Yiwu, such as Amazon, eBay, and wish. Yiwu can be said to be a small commodity supply hub, and many e-commerce companies have set up offices in Yiwu. Which is a good cross-border e-commerce training institution in Yiwu? This article makes an inventory of several institutions that do cross-border e-commerce training in Yiwu.
Tips for opening a store - March 16, 2020
Shenzhen E-commerce training What are the institutions? Shenzhen E-commerce training Organization Introduction
What are the e-commerce training institutions in Shenzhen?
Hugo Cross border · 2020-11-20
Cross border E-commerce training What are the institutions? Domestic cross-border E-commerce training Organization ranking
The state encourages mass entrepreneurship, coupled with the support of local governments for the cross-border e-commerce industry, resulting in a large number of cross-border e-commerce training institutions in the market. What are the best ranked domestic cross-border e-commerce training institutions? Let's have a look.
Tips for opening a store - March 9, 2020
Quanzhou, Fujian: Xinshiying, Teachers College and East China Sea Hugo Cross border · Industrial Belt Insight ②
Quanzhou cross-border e-commerce is a spray in the current of the times.
Ling Zhenghe · 2024-08-01
Hugo officially launched train Channel "Rain Class", with two "Strong Generals" of "Huanong Bailing" in June
Rainclass is a "cross-border e-commerce training course" carefully planned and created by Hugo. com. The training content includes the practical training of Amazon, AliExpress, Wish, eBay and other export e-commerce platforms, as well as the practical skills and business ideas of independent website marketing, import e-commerce operations and other aspects. Rainclass will be launched for the first time in June, and Hugo will cooperate with "Huanong Bailing" e-commerce to launch the "Amazon Operation Continuity"
Hugo Cross border · May 28, 2015
Cross-border export online retailers One week's news: online retailers The platform system has crashed one after another, Ding Haochuan has been appointed Wish First President of China
Amazon FBA launched logistics optimization services such as return, repackaging and labeling; The e-commerce platform system collapsed one after another, Ding Haochuan was the first president of Wish China.
Hugo Cross border · 2016-10-22
Increase support for sellers, Wish Recruit seller lecturers train Department
Following the establishment of the Customer Complaint Center in Shanghai in May, the official of Wish recently said that in order to provide more and systematic training for sellers, Wish will set up a training department. In the short term, we will continue to "let go". It can be seen that Wish is paying more and more attention to increasing the support of Chinese sellers.
Hugo Cross border · July 6, 2016
Shenzhen cross-border online retailers The company is checked
Major cross-border events this week
Hugo Cross border Editorial Department · 2024-04-27
Yuke No.1 complained: First sister consulted Yuke on weekends, and the diligent porters orz
Rainclass is a "cross-border e-commerce training course" carefully planned and created by Hugo. com. The training content includes the practical training of Amazon, AliExpress, Wish, eBay and other export e-commerce platforms, as well as the practical skills and business ideas of independent website marketing, import e-commerce operations and other aspects. Rainbow class will be held for the first time in Xiamen from June 24 to 25. This time, we will cooperate with "Huanong Bailing" e-commerce center to launch the first "Amazon Transport"
Hugo cross-border · 2015-06-03
Wish Current "fine storm" tracking ②: Wish Official response
At the beginning of 2014, Wish attracted much attention because of its rapid development into the largest mobile e-commerce in North America. Recommending interesting products to users in the form of waterfall flow based on their own recommendation algorithm and their behavior on the Wish is the biggest attraction that Wish can attract 25 million registered users. However, at the end of 2014, the Wish platform set off a no small "fine storm"
Hugo cross-border · 2015-01-06
Wish Big sellers: In addition to good products, sellers should also pay attention to the trend of "brand+overseas warehouse" of the platform
Since Wish entered the Chinese e-commerce market, in addition to attracting a large number of Chinese merchants to settle in, the delay between the platform and merchants has never stopped
Hugo Cross border · 2017-02-17
Hugo Global Cross border online retailers The Center was officially launched to promote cross-border online retailers Development of the whole industry chain
On August 22, Hugo Global Cross border E-Commerce Center, an ecological cluster of cross-border e-commerce meticulously built by Hugo. com, opened.
Hugo Cross border · 2018-08-22
Cross border online retailers How to break the talent shortage? Yuke&school enterprise cooperation cross-border online retailers Launch of talent training project
How big is the talent gap in cross-border e-commerce market?
Yuke · 2019-08-28
The company has operations Wish The boss of the platform, please have a look!
Editor's note: The ancients said that we must practice this matter. Wish has been defined as a "dark horse" for short-term financing. Recently, it has been complained that the policy is unstable and the platform operation is not refined enough... Some people say that it is not good, but many people have made money on it, and many more. Is it good or not? At the recent Wish training meeting, the official training department of Wish raised several questions worth pondering. Hugo. com sorted them out as follows:
Hugo Cross border · August 12, 2016
Vova cross-border online retailers Conditions, procedures and expenses for opening and settling on the platform
VOVA is a new one-stop cross-border e-commerce platform facing the world, and its operation mode is similar to that of Wish and Joom. So, how should businesses settle in?
Hugo Cross border · 2019-08-21
[Operation Practice] The peak season is coming, Wish How can small and medium-sized sellers make adequate preparations?
For small and medium-sized sellers, Wish suggests that they should not blindly follow and sell, nor encourage price wars. Unlike other e-commerce platforms, it is unnecessary to lose money and earn a lot of money on Wish.
Hugo Cross border · August 15, 2016
Guangdong Shenzhen cross-border E-commerce training Organization ranking
In recent years, Guangdong's cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly, leading the way in all aspects. Many cross-border export sales come from Guangdong. At the same time, there are many cross-border e-commerce training institutions, which are very popular. Let's make an inventory of the better ranked cross-border e-commerce training institutions in Guangdong and Shenzhen
king · 2020-03-10
Nanjing cross-border past
As an important cross-border town, Nanjing is the common memory of most sellers in East China.
Friends of Hugo · 2024-06-05
Cross border in 2018 online retailers How does the industry go? 1. Dealing strategies and strategies for big sales sharing
Through the prediction of the future trend of cross-border e-commerce industry, we can understand some strategies and strategies that need to be taken when engaging in cross-border e-commerce industry this year or next year
Hugo Cross border · 2017-12-08
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