Special line freight transportation

Special line freight transportation Compared with other transportation, what are the advantages?
Special line freight transportation, also known as freight special line, refers to a process in which logistics companies use their own trucks or aviation resources to transport goods to their special line destinations.
Hugo Cross border · 2020-10-16
Dialogue with Zongteng Group Li Cong: Who can win the new efficiency war of cross-border logistics?
Third party logistics service providers are experiencing a process from quantitative change to qualitative change
Friends of Hugo · 2024-04-12
Shenzhen freight forwarder thundered! The new shock period has come
Another freight forwarder thunder!
Hugo Cross border Editorial Department · 2024-03-28
Brazil strictly checks invoices, postal parcels are checked, Brazil Shuangqing a dedicated line How to break the game?
Regular Brazil Shuangqing Line
Hugo Cross border · September 25, 2020
Cross border logistics welcomes "big shots" again, and UBI cooperates with multinational postal services to layout the world a dedicated line
With the rapid development of the cross-border e-commerce industry, the cross-border logistics industry has become more and more popular, and domestic giants have flocked to "rush for food". Hugo has learned that on the basis of the original cooperation with Australia Post and the promotion of Australia special line, the "Top 50" of China International Freight Forwarding (UBI) has recently launched New Zealand special line, and plans to launch Canada special line and the United States special line together with Canada Post in 2015
Hugo cross-border · 2015-01-05
DHL makes a big move to launch British e-commerce a dedicated line , the giant's "entry" into cross-border logistics is resurgent
The launch of e-commerce package line is a crucial step for DHL eCommerce to seize the export e-commerce market. How will it challenge the industry limit
Hugo Cross border · 2016-07-24
AliExpress launched Spain a dedicated line , which can be delivered within 15 days
Hugo. com learned that in order to improve the logistics efficiency of Spain, a key European market, and reduce the logistics costs of sellers, the AliExpress platform, in conjunction with Spain Post and Sinotrans Air Transport Development Co., Ltd., launched an online shipping line for Spain, "Sinotrans - Westpost economic package". It is reported that the first leg of the "Sinotrans Xiyou Economic Package" is an international commercial express trunk line, which passes through the UK for customs clearance, and the last leg uses the West
Hugo Cross border · June 18, 2015
How does the latest WHO resolution affect cross-border logistics? China goods Can we still export smoothly?
Can the goods be sent overseas normally?
Hugo Cross border · January 31, 2020
Internet users in Canada like to use the "expedited" package service, and the country's postal service takes the opportunity to promote with UBI a dedicated line Seize the market
In order to meet the logistics and distribution needs of Canadian consumers for cross-border online shopping, Canada Post recently began to vigorously develop its international business. Misko Kancko, Director of International Business Development of Canada Post, recently attended the "Cross border Logistics Exchange Forum" held by UBI Smart Parcel, one of the top 50 logistics enterprises in China, and gave an in-depth introduction to the special line to Canada jointly launched by both sides. Hugo learned that
Hugo Cross border · 2015-05-15
Shipped around the world goods All the positions are arranged, but this company pushed "time limited compensation"? No sei
Recently, a seller reported to Hugo that the logistics of all mail routes are extremely congested, the goods are in a serious inventory problem, and the delivery time is greatly delayed.
Hugo Cross border · 2016-12-22
Under the trend of compliance, cross-border logistics has added new requirements. How can sellers complete the counter attack when the peak season is approaching?
DHL e-commerce launched cross-border e-commerce special lines to package overseas special lines, helping sellers to open up new markets in the peak season.
Hugo Cross border · September 12, 2018
Fact: China Southern Airlines promoted "Japan" with logistics providers a dedicated line ”Large amount of "subsidy" freight
China Southern Airlines also wants to take a piece of the cake and more actively develop its cross-border cargo business. Heavy cargo charges have been reduced to 13 yuan/kg.
Hugo Cross border · 2016-03-25
busy season a dedicated line The price rises by 5% - 10%, and the rate of proper investment and timeliness are the competitive points of the logistics industry
The price of sea freight has soared to 5000 dollars, and the price of air freight and terminal logistics has also risen to varying degrees
Hugo Cross border · 2020-10-20
How to choose cross-border logistics for cross-border e-commerce
At present, cross-border logistics has become the pillar of cross-border e-commerce. Without cross-border logistics, our goods cannot be transported to overseas customers.
king · 2020-12-17
Notice on the Impact of International Epidemics on Alibaba International Station Logistics (September 11)
Due to the global impact of the epidemic, some special lines in some countries and regions are delayed or temporarily closed. In order to ensure the accuracy of your cargo information, the platform will pay close attention to the impact of the epidemic on logistics, quickly adjust according to the specific situation and notify business partners as soon as possible, so that everyone can work together to overcome the difficulties.
Alibaba International Station · September 14, 2020
New Zealand Post pushes big packages in the peak season at the end of the year a dedicated line "Resolve" cross-border e-commerce logistics problems
Judy, the seller, told Hugo. com that logistics is the most basic guarantee. Once something goes wrong, it will cause a chain reaction: customer complaints and bad comments increase dramatically, after-sales work increases, and even affect account operation. "Therefore, in the peak season, we are most worried about order delivery, service providers' warehouse explosion, line congestion, customs scrutiny, customs clearance delay, package delay or other accidents," she said.
Hugo Cross border · November 13, 2015
Burst! Another notice caught the seller off guard and exported goods Stop all installation?
Seller friends want to hold!
Hugo Cross border · 2020-12-09
Make great progress in welcoming the New Year! Wanbang invites 100 users to experience Europe a dedicated line Channel, each ticket can save 20 yuan!
Super money saving experience!! Amazon Prime Day is ahead of schedule this year, and many sellers have begun to prepare for a big promotion in the middle of the year. What are you waiting for?
Hugo Cross border · 2018-04-17
Current epidemic | Express delivery, small package or a dedicated line Five parameters select good logistics!
In this issue, Professor W presents a Wish certified lecturer - Yu Ye. He has a lot of research on logistics and supply chain management and will present a set of logistics solutions to turn the tide.
Wish School of E-commerce · 2020-02-21
From January 2, 2019, Wish will restore all online Canadian route channels
At the same time, the Wish Canada special line will be closed on January 7.
Hugo Cross border · 2018-12-29
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