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Hong Kong company application

Hong Kong bar code apply What is the procedure of?
For Hong Kong bar code registration, it is necessary to set up a Hong Kong company first, then fill in the application form for Chinese bar code registration and the bar code registration information form for goods, submit them for review, wait for the notice, and receive the certificate after passing the review and paying the fees. The certificate is valid for one year and can be renewed before expiration.
Snow said that Zhichan · 2024-06-20
register Hong Kong trademark apply What procedures are there?
To determine the category of trademark registration by using the Chinese or foreign name of a natural or legal person to apply for the provision of a trademark, a photocopy of the company registration card and a photocopy of the personal identity card shall be provided. The trademark pattern shall be filled in with the letter of appointment and signed. The application time is about 1-2 weeks, and the protection period is 10 years, which shall be extended every 10 years.
Snow Zhichan · 2024-05-15
Hong Kong Company how apply Tax free! Why? Hong Kong Company Can it be tax-free?
The biggest advantage of Hong Kong registered companies is to carry out overseas tax planning through financial operations, reduce costs and increase profits.
Offshore talent Jay · 2020-12-10
Hong Kong Company Purpose and Hong Kong Company Registration fee
Investors who register Hong Kong companies usually have two main concerns. One is what is the role of registering Hong Kong companies, and what benefits can Hong Kong companies bring to investors after registration? The other is how much is the cost of registering a Hong Kong company?
Offshore talent Jay · 2020-10-19
Panpay account apply Hong Kong company application What information does the panpay account need?
This section introduces the information required by Hong Kong companies to apply for the panpay account.
Hugo Cross border · 2020-02-14
apply Germany company Materials and processes of
Germany is an industrial and economic power in Europe, and Chinese investors often choose to register German companies. The types of registration include joint-stock companies, partnerships and limited companies. The name must end in German "GmbH". The minimum registered capital is 30000 euros. Relevant documents must be submitted and strict regulations must be observed. The business scope covers investment, trade, IT, logistics, education and training, financial investment, etc.
Snow said that he knew about production 23 hours ago
Hong Kong Company Corporate account of Standard Chartered Bank
Bosses who went to Hong Kong Bank to open accounts before probably all know that Hong Kong Bank has become more and more strict in opening accounts.
Offshore talent Jay · 2020-12-30
How to conduct the UK company Annual review?
The annual audit of British companies includes statutory annual report and annual audit, and relevant documents shall be submitted. The application time is generally before March 31 of each year or within 12 months from the registration date. The annual audit fee is about 700-1000 pounds, which can be handled online or by mail, or entrusted by an agent. A fine will be imposed after the deadline, and the business registration regulations shall be observed.
Snow said that Zhichan · 2024-06-21
Another Amazon blockbuster fell, apply Bankruptcy!
Enterprises crushed by logistics costs?
Friends of Hugo · 2024-05-27
Hong Kong Company Risk of non-compliance with "zero declaration"
With the gradual deepening of the strategic planning of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong's advantages as an important supporting point of the "Belt and Road" are becoming more and more obvious, and the number of Hong Kong companies registered will steadily rise in the future. The accounting audit and zero declaration of Hong Kong companies are important links in the company's operation. However, in the CRS environment, zero declaration of Hong Kong companies will face certain risks.
Offshore talent Jay · 2020-09-16
Paypal's alternative collection tool Stripe Hong Kong What about the account number apply Registration process and precautions
How can I apply for a Stripe Hong Kong account as Paypal's alternative collection tool? Registration process and precautions
Small quick chat cross-border · 2023-06-02
Why register Hong Kong Company Doing foreign trade, mainland company can't I?
Most enterprises engaged in foreign trade conduct business activities by registering Hong Kong companies. Why do they bypass mainland companies and use Hong Kong as an external site? Let's talk about why we choose Hong Kong companies rather than mainland companies from two points.
Offshore talent Jay · 2020-11-17
Hong Kong Company Effect on trade and precautions
What role do Hong Kong companies play in conducting foreign trade business?
Offshore talent Jay · September 10, 2020
Hong Kong Company What steps are required for the transfer? Is it troublesome to cancel?
In the market, there are many people who buy Hong Kong ready-made companies, as well as many people who transfer Hong Kong companies. It is common to see the operation of ready-made companies. Buying ready-made Hong Kong companies is a convenient shortcut and has been recognized by many business people.
Offshore talent Jay · 2020-11-06
High frequency Q&A | cross-border e-commerce Hong Kong Company Accounting, auditing and tax declaration
Hong Kong company accounting and tax declaration answering class
Cross border Big Face Finance · 2021-12-23
Hong Kong Company Difference between annual audit and audit, tax declaration and tax payment
In the process of operating a Hong Kong company, many people will enter into some misunderstandings. The most common is to confuse the annual audit and audit, tax declaration and tax payment of Hong Kong companies.
Offshore talent Jay · 2020-11-24
Explain how to declare correctly Hong Kong Company Tax
Hong Kong is a free trade port with open policies and free foreign exchange. It has a highly free investment environment. Moreover, Hong Kong has a sound legal system and a good investment environment
Offshore talent Jay · 2021-01-04
Hong Kong Company How to log off? What conditions are needed?
Conditions and procedures for cancellation of Hong Kong company.
Offshore talent Jay · 2020-12-09
Hong Kong Company Has no business need to do audit tax returns?
I believe there are many entrepreneurs who have registered companies in Hong Kong, but have never operated. Some companies have not even made audit reports for several consecutive years. How should they solve these problems?
Offshore talent Jay · 2020-12-16
An article to understand the ecological landscape of cross-border acquiring
Focus on cross-border acquiring operation knowledge
Cross border Acquiring Operation Encyclopedia · 2024-06-11
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