What email address is used to register instagram

If you register users with an email address, you must fill in the format of the email address. It must be a common email address and a valid email address. The general e-mail format is username @ e-mail domain name COM。 If you are a qq email, the email address is your digital account @ qq.com. For example, your QQ number is 1234, and your email address is 1234@qq.com If you do not have an email, you can register directly. Enter mail, qq, com, or qq email in your mobile browser, enter the email login interface, enter the qq number and password, and click Login. The system will prompt you that you have not yet opened the qq mailbox. Click Open. In addition to the default digital account email address, qq email also supports English accounts, foxmail.com accounts and mobile phone accounts. These accounts are managed through one email, but the account names are different. If you need these accounts, you need to go to the webpage mailbox and open the relevant mailbox in account management. If you have opened these accounts, you also need to check the correct email addresses of these accounts in the setting mailbox account before filling in.
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