Hugo Service

Can the page information be modified after the Kickstarter project goes online

After the Kickstarter project goes online, the page information can be modified. After the project is launched, the page information, including pictures and videos, can be modified, and new Reward gears can be added. The content of Reward gears that are not supported can also be modified.

At any time, there are thousands of creative projects on Kickstarter to raise money. Each project is independently initiated and organized by the people behind it. The film producers, musicians, artists and designers on Kickstarter completely control their own projects and take full responsibility for them. They spent weeks building project pages, filming films, and fully discussing what to offer their supporters in return. When ready, the initiator releases the project to his community.

The sponsor of each project will set the fundraising goal and deadline of the project. If someone likes the project, he can subscribe the amount and make the project come true. If a project succeeds in meeting its fundraising goals, all supporters' credit cards will be deducted at the deadline. If a project fails to meet the standards, no one will be deducted. Raising funds on Kickstarter is all or nothing.

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