How about if the shop fines are not paid

If the seller does not pay the fine, the reputation of the store will be affected, which will have a bad impact on the subsequent operation of the store. The fine may be deducted directly from the store funds. However, if your shop has imposed a fine, you can also appeal to the official directly.

Wish penalty system includes: penalty policy for false logistics order number and penalty policy for order cancellation.

Is there a local appeal for the wish fine?

Sellers don't have to worry about being wrongly judged by the platform because they cheat buyers. Because Wish has an appeal portal, it can appeal directly, and won't be flattered.

From 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) on October 31, 2018, the merchant needs to appeal within 3 working days after the order cancellation penalty is generated; For the penalty of order cancellation before this, the merchant can appeal before 5:00 p.m. on November 7, 2018.

With this appeal function, the Wish seller can view the fine order in a timely manner, and make an appeal within the time limit of the platform according to the specific date of the order. In addition, it also gives measures to how to avoid cancellation or refund of pre fulfillment orders for the sellers of the Wish platform.

This policy changes from no appeal of fines for cancelling orders to allowing sellers to appeal within a limited time. This change of the platform is equivalent to relaxing the fine policy for cancelling orders. In order to reduce losses, the relevant sellers can start to appeal.

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