Platform Introduction
Platform Introduction
EPRICE is an Italian e-commerce platform. It was founded in 2000 and currently ranks among the top three in Italian e-commerce platforms. At present, the ePRICE platform has an average of 3 million registered users, 15 million active merchants, about 5 million independent visitors every month, 25 million monthly visits, 134 pickup points, 296 storage rooms, more than 1.5 million subscribers, and more than 2 million active users in Italy.
Platform entry requirements
1) Must have a European VAT number and accept UK VAT; 2) Experienced in cross-border e-commerce platform, it is required to provide eBay, Amazon and other store links, and electronic products are the best; 3) The issuance of the company Visua shall not exceed six months; 4) ID card and tax code of the company's manager or legal representative; 5) Bank details or credit cards; 6) Company Contact Information
Main products
The popular product categories on ePRICE are fashion, home and 3c, focusing on 3C electronic products
Opening expenses
The subscription fee is 29.00 euros per month, excluding sales commission. (Free subscription for the first three months, unlimited!), 5% - 8% commission, depending on the product category;
Platform advantages
Italy's largest e-commerce platform can bring maximum exposure to your products and brands; The commission is lower than that of other markets, and the products are free of charge; It is said that the goods will be delivered within 48 hours, and more than 400 distribution centers will cooperate with click&quick SDA BRT TNT GLS. However, the logistics service at the delivery point is limited to stores with Italian VAT tax numbers
Service recommendation
EPrice opens a store
Italy's largest local e-commerce platform, dominated by 3C electronic consumption, with male users accounting for 81%
OFX Global Collection and Payment - Global Currency Account
Collect money in US dollars, euros, Australian dollars, pounds, Singapore dollars, Canadian dollars, Hong Kong dollars, and pay taxes to suppliers in local currency with one click of local payment. With immediate cash withdrawal, OFX can transfer funds in more than 50 currencies for customers, and use low cost 0 yuan to open an account. No monthly fee is required for collection
Voghion opens shop
The market is broad, the flow is self owned, the settlement is timely, the bill is transparent, the payment collection is stable, the perfect warehousing and logistics system, the delivery is fast and convenient, there is no annual settlement fee, no deposit, no promotion fee
Spartoo opened shop
The leading fashion shopping platform in France, with a warehouse of more than 30000 m2, has products sold in more than 20 countries
Related information
Eprice store opening service
Italy's largest local e-commerce platform, dominated by 3C electronic consumption, with male users accounting for 81%
Free consultation
One week popular platform recommendation
OnBuy is an online retail market, which was officially launched in November 2016 and is headquartered in Poole, Dorset.
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Official community
urban community
 New seller opening communication group
New seller opening communication group
Additive group
 Amazon Communication Group
Amazon Communication Group
Additive group
 TT communication group
TT communication group
Additive group
 Independent station exchange group
Independent station exchange group
Additive group
 Shrimp skin communication group
Shrimp skin communication group
Additive group
 OZON AC group
OZON AC group
Additive group
 Pinduoduo Communication Group
Pinduoduo Communication Group
Additive group
 Selection communication group
Selection communication group
Additive group
 Shenzhen seller exchange group
Shenzhen seller exchange group
Additive group
 Guangzhou seller exchange group
Guangzhou seller exchange group
Additive group
 Hangzhou seller exchange group
Hangzhou seller exchange group
Additive group
 Xiamen seller exchange group
Xiamen seller exchange group
Additive group
 Other urban exchange groups
Other urban exchange groups
Additive group
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