Hugo cross-border Online Service
 Selection Center
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 The seller's choice docking group
The seller's choice docking group
Free docking with factory resources, find good products from the source!
 Overseas customer exchange group
Overseas customer exchange group
Free cross-border Rubik's cube foreign trade expansion software for Jinqun
Follow the official account of CCEE options
Business cooperation
South China - Manager Lin:
thirteen billion four hundred and twenty-four million four hundred and twenty-two thousand five hundred and twenty
East China - Manager Weng:
eighteen billion nine hundred and six million twenty-nine thousand five hundred and twenty-eight
North China - Manager Zheng:
thirteen billion four hundred and seventy-nine million four hundred and six thousand seven hundred and seventy-five
Manager Zhang, National Channel Key Account Manager:
eighteen billion two hundred and six million eighty-five thousand and forty-nine
Seller consultation:
seventeen billion seven hundred and fifty million six hundred and fifty-two thousand three hundred and twenty-seven
Help Center
Supply and demand docking platform between source factory and purchaser
already existing 5000+ High quality factories achieve annual inquiry performance by settling in the selection center 30% rise
Trillion new distribution channels
Select Hugo Supplier Center to open new channels for cross-border trillion yuan distribution market
Massive cross-border customers
Massive cross-border customers, accurate seller inquiries
Hugo official website - the largest flow portal of China's cross-border e-commerce industry, covering 85% of China's cross-border sellers and more than 90% of cross-border sales, to obtain accurate high-quality customer sources for factories.
Accurate selection data
Global official transaction data, reducing development trial and error costs
Gather global cross-border platform transaction data, fully understand the global C-end customer needs, which is conducive to the development and creation of explosive products, and reduce trial and error costs.
Low cost settlement
Low cost settlement and zero operation to achieve million orders
One cup of coffee a day can realize online worry free docking with accurate seller inquiries and negotiate million order cooperation.
Customer groups can be contacted
Settle in Hugo Supplier Center to connect with customer groups
Equity settled
Access to Hugo Supplier Center
Search traffic
Brand Endorsement
Accurate matching
Big sale docking
Exclusive data
Precision link
Strong weighting, search traffic
Entering the Selection Center can enjoy the rights of Hugo article publishing and live broadcast of selected articles. Relying on the weight of Hugo website, 98% of the content will be searched and recorded by major search engines in priority, helping customers' articles rank top in the relevant keyword search results page.
Hugo strictly selects factories and has strong brand endorsement
Give the settled manufacturer Hugo Gold Factory label, and increase the brand awareness and reputation of the manufacturer in the cross-border seller group.
Cross border sellers, accurate matching
Hugo official website - the largest flow portal of China's cross-border e-commerce industry, covering 85% of China's cross-border sellers and more than 90% of cross-border sales, to obtain accurate high-quality customer sources for factories.
Official activities and sales docking
Hugo Salon is a CCEE shopping group activity. The settled manufacturers can participate in the cross-border shopping matchmaking as gold medal factories.
Exclusive selection data, help explosive product development
Hugo gathers the whole cross-border ecological service circle and gathers accurate data from the global platform, which is conducive to manufacturers' easy development of explosives.
Overseas customer expansion tools, precise links
Give priority to the use of free overseas expansion tools to help manufacturers do a good job in global business.
Pain points faced by foreign trade enterprises
At the beginning, you may have some doubts about whether it is necessary to settle in the supplier center. Let me tell you, joining is the only correct choice for you
Customer Stories
Settlement process
More than 5000 high-quality factories have settled in the selection center, achieving an annual inquiry performance of 30%
stores reserve
1. Query qualifications and materials required for settlement
2. Prepare qualification materials as required
Application for residence
1. Click to enter the residence application
2. Fill in the qualification information of the company
3. Fill in the company's business situation
4. Verify and submit data
Qualification review
1. Preliminary review: review the authenticity of data
2. Review: comprehensive evaluation of cooperation ability and commodity competitiveness
Start cooperation
1. Open CCEE supplier account
2. Enter the cooperation period