Platform Introduction
Platform Introduction
Launched in 2017, is now Australia's largest platform with the largest daily online transaction volume. Its predecessor is the famous discount website catch of the day, which was established in 2006 and has attracted many famous brands. In 2016, due to the impact of international e-commerce giants Amazon, eBay, etc., it was renamed Catch and third-party sellers were allowed to settle in. Catch now has nearly 400 employees, 45000 square meters of warehouse space, and receives more than 10000 orders every day.
Entry conditions
1. You need to fill in the basic information and wait for the platform to review and confirm; 2. The seller shall not ask for commodity comments from a third party in any way; 3. Catch does not allow all parties to publish comments aimed at misleading consumers, or we think they abuse our comment function; 4. Some third-party sellers are located in overseas countries. By purchasing goods from these sellers and importing them into Australia, you may be required to comply with Australian laws and standards applicable to the import of such goods.
Platform cost
In addition to the monthly subscription fee of AUD49.99, the platform will draw a certain percentage of commission from the orders sold by the seller, ranging from 10% to 25% according to the different categories. The seller needs to pay in AUD every 14 days.
Hot category
Fashion, accessories, sportswear, home decoration, health care and daily necessities, general merchandise
Platform advantages
2 million website visitors per week, an average of 8000 new customers per week, 4 million qualified buyers, more than 100000 CLUB CATCH members, more than 600000 effective e-commerce platform goods, more than 800 third-party sellers, an average expenditure of $105, an average of 4.3 goods in the shopping cart, more than 1 million active CATCH APP users, and 2000 CATCH APP installations;
Related information
Catch store opening service
The website with the largest daily transaction volume in Australia has more than 3.5 million registered users and more than 2 million monthly sales
Free consultation
Official community
urban community
 New seller opening communication group
New seller opening communication group
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 Pinduoduo Communication Group
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 Guangzhou seller exchange group
Guangzhou seller exchange group
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 Hangzhou seller exchange group
Hangzhou seller exchange group
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 Xiamen seller exchange group
Xiamen seller exchange group
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 Other urban exchange groups
Other urban exchange groups
Additive group
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