What causes the website to be blocked or closed during the operation of independent websites

What causes the website to be blocked or closed during the operation of independent websites
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Look at the independent website building tools you use. If a large service provider such as shopify has advertising product control, if a big seller complains, he will also seal the store

New user 200512110844

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Look at your products. Some counterfeit and edging sensitive products will be sealed if they are found by the independent station system
Combined with the above two points, 1. The station will be closed after a lot of complaints. 2. If infringement is involved, the infringing products may be suspended. Basically, there are two kinds.
There are only two reasons, the first is infringement, and the second is customer litigation. However, the mode of independent station can be raised even if the store is closed. It is still its own. In addition, the store is seldom closed.

New user 200304151901

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There are many reasons. I was complained by other sellers and customers. I haven't delivered goods for a long time.

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