How to set the freight

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First, we need to set the distribution country or region range for the entire account.

Setting path: Select "Delivery Settings" from the "Account" button in the upper right corner of the merchant background. At this time, a corresponding interface will appear on the left. Generally, there are three choices. The first one is "Ship to America only"; The second option is "global distribution", which means that if you click this option, the product can be sent to all countries and regions that wish can sell; The third option is "delivery to selected countries", which means that after selecting this option, merchants can select specific countries and regions for sales according to their product characteristics and their own logistics operations.

If we select "Ship to Selected Countries", how can we set the freight in different countries? This page is still under "View all products". After finding the products we want to update the national and regional freight settings, click the "Measures" button on the far right. After clicking Action, select Edit International Freight from the drop-down menu. Then on the page that comes out, we can set different standard freight according to different countries and regions. After setting, click Save to start using freight in different countries and regions.

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