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What is eBay's search collation?

For eBay sellers, in order to increase the search exposure of products, they need to understand the search sorting rules of the eBay platform.

 What is eBay's search collation?

For eBay sellers, in order to increase the search exposure of products, they need to understand the search sorting rules of the eBay platform.

On the ebay platform, the product sorting methods are:

Best Match

Time: ending soonest

Time=newly listed

Price+shipping=lowest first

Price+shipping=highest first


There are 6 sorting methods. The default search result order of eBay is "Best Match". EBay's explanation of Best Match:

The objective of Best Match is to show the most relevant, best value items from sellers that will create a fantastic experience for the buyer.

The factors affecting Best Match's search ranking are mainly divided into four parts: relevance, seller performance, logistics services and buyer records.

1. Relevance

Listing the relevance of titles and categories. Accurate titles and precise classification positioning make it easier for buyers to find your items, that is, the greater the relevance, the higher the ranking.

If buyers search for keywords of the same type of products, eBay will automatically push products of the same type, or peripheral products of related products.

In addition, competitive prices, beautiful pictures, complete item specifications and attributes, whether promoted listing, whether volume price and other promotional tools are used are also the key factors affecting the ranking at the correlation level. In addition to selling one product, we can also sell the accessories around or other products under the category together. The title and description contain relevant keywords.

2. Seller performance

The higher the seller's rating, the higher the seller's ranking. Sellers can view their seller performance in the Seller Dashboard. Generally, eBay sellers' performance can be divided into three categories: * rated seller, Above standard, and Below standard. Sellers can view their performance in meeting the expectations of buyers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and the global market.

The influencing factors include whether the account belongs to TOP, whether it is above standard, and whether there are violation records, such as infringement, abuse of multiple attributes, repeated publication, etc.

In addition, the performance in terms of service rating, buyer satisfaction, the number of medium and poor ratings, the level of DSR scores, the number of INR and SNAD complaints, etc. are all factors that affect the ranking in terms of seller rating.

3. Buyer records

This includes recent sales records, recent sales conversion rate, number of viewed products, number of added shopping carts, etc. The more products you buy, the more exposure you will get.

4. Logistics services

It includes the EDD of the product, economic or commercial logistics mode, whether the goods are free of freight, whether they are returned free of charge, and the area where the goods are located. Another key point is whether the goods are shipped from overseas warehouses or directly from China, and whether overseas warehouses participate in the eGD plan. In the best match rule, eBay has improved the ranking of overseas warehouse goods and freight free goods, and reduced the ranking of goods with high freight or unknown freight.

To sum up, in order to improve eBay's search ranking, you need to choose a reasonable way to publish articles, focus on customer satisfaction, price competitively, accurately describe the title and select the product specification attributes.

The above is some relevant content about eBay search ranking, and I hope it will be helpful to you. (Source: cross-border knowledge porters)

The above contents belong to the author's personal views and do not represent Hugo's cross-border position! In case of infringement, please contact us.

(Source: cross-border knowledge porters)

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