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EBay Deals&Events FAQ Summary

Generally, eBay will send the activity information to all qualified sellers/advertisements for event registration, and then eBay will select the advertisements with good sales volume and large discount from the products responded to the registration. If the price submitted by the seller is not competitive, the probability of successful participation in the activity is low.

 EBay Deals&Events FAQ Summary

one Q: Where can I find the introduction and operation process of eBay Deals&Events?

A: Activity introduction: https://www.ebay.cn/newcms/Home/deals/2

Registration process: https://www.ebay.cn/newcms/Home/deals/3

eBay Deals & Events Q&A: https://www.ebay.cn/newcms/Home/deals/5

two Q: Why wasn't my product selected for eBay Deals&Events?

A: There are three possible situations:

1: Each activity has certain conditions to be selected for publication, such as the GMV and sales volume published in the past 30 days, whether the account is eTRS or above standard, and whether the defects published are passed eBay In the review of brand intelligent manufacturing plan, if the standard is not met, the probability of being selected into the activity is low;

2: The seller's account and publication were selected for eBay Deals&Events, but the seller did not log in to the seller center in time( https://cbtpromo.ebay.com.hk/promotion/index )To register, eBay found that more than half of the sellers did not go to the seller center to register or officially register before the deadline of activity registration, wasting many good opportunities;

3: The price submitted by the seller at the time of event registration is not competitive. Generally, eBay will send the activity information to all qualified sellers/advertisements for event registration, and then eBay will select the advertisements with good sales volume and large discount from the products responded to the registration. If the price submitted by the seller is not competitive, the probability of successful participation in the activity is low.

three Q: Can I participate in the listing uploaded from excel file in the [Activity Registration] stage?

A: EBay will base each item submitted by the seller in the [Activity Registration] stage listing The uploaded information is used to review whether it is suitable to participate in the corresponding marketing activities, including activity price, inventory quantity, etc. Therefore, the listing uploaded in the Activity Registration stage does not necessarily mean that you can participate in the activity.

Only the listing lists approved by eBay will be displayed in the subsequent listing lists in the [Formal Enrollment] and [Activity in Progress] status and in the corresponding edm.

four Q: At the [Official Registration] stage of the activity, I checked the corresponding listing to confirm my participation in a marketing activity, but after the activity started, I found that the listing price was not displayed as the [Activity Price] I submitted. What should I do?

A: This problem may be caused by the data transmission problem during system docking. If the seller finds this problem, it is recommended to manually adjust the listing price to [Activity Price] as soon as possible.

five Q: After I submitted the activity listing through excel file in the [Activity Registration] stage, why can't I find the corresponding activity later?

A: The possible reason is that all the listing related information you submitted in the [Activity Registration] stage fails to pass eBay's review (such as activity price, inventory quantity, etc.), so you will not be able to participate in this activity. The information of this activity will be summarized in the [Closed Activities] section of the [Seller Center] [Marketing Activities] tab. In the [Closed Activities] section, you can click the corresponding activity to view the details. The current case shows that the listing submitted by the seller failed to pass eBay's review.

 EBay Deals&Events FAQ Summary

If you decide not to participate in the activity after checking the activity, that is, you have not uploaded listing information in the [Activity Registration] stage, then this activity will also be summarized in the [Completed Activities] section.

 EBay Deals&Events FAQ Summary

six Q: All activities need Activity Registration before Official Registration?

A: EBay will publish the registration process according to different activities. Not all activities need Activity Registration. For some activities, eBay will directly set the number of activities to be published, the promotion price and the post promotion price. Sellers only need to enter the seller center to confirm that they need to participate in the publication of activities, that is, these activities only have the process of Official Registration.

seven . Q: Will eBay automatically adjust the price of all the events we participate in?

A: No. For the activity whose price is automatically adjusted by the system, an important information displayed in yellow can be seen on the page when the activity is officially registered: it means that when the activity starts and ends, the system will automatically adjust the publication of the confirmed formal registration to the price of the activity and the price after the activity, without requiring the seller to manually adjust the price. When registering for each activity, sellers should carefully read the terms of the activity, which will also indicate whether the system will automatically adjust the price of the publication.

eight Q: How does the multi attribute publishing system automatically adjust prices?

A: The system automatically adjusts the price of multi attribute publishing. If eBay's background can successfully mark down, all attribute prices will take effect at the same discount rate. The discount is the discount between the activity price X confirmed by the seller and the default attribute price (Lowest Price) Y displayed on the current publishing page of all attributes when this publishing mark down is set (within 24 hours before the start of the activity); If eBay background Markdown fails, the seller needs to manually adjust the default attribute price (Lowest Price) displayed on the current publishing page of all attributes to the active price, and other attribute prices can remain unchanged.

nine Q: Why is there a slight difference between my published price after the event and the price of the event officially registered?

A: Due to the setting of eBay's background products, the price automatically adjusted by the system for participating in activities will have an error of less than 1%. On this point, we have specified in the activity terms in the seller center that once the participating sellers confirm to submit the activity publication in the formal registration, the system will automatically adjust the price of participating activities to the preset activity price within 24 hours before the start of the activity. You understand and agree that the price automatically adjusted by the system will have an error of 1%. After the activity starts, the seller needs to pay attention to the activity price_status column in the registration publication list. If it shows that the system modification is unsuccessful, the seller still needs to manually adjust the publication price to the activity price. For eBay's automatic price adjustment activities, if there is a reward amount published, the actual sales price is within the range of [officially registered activity price * 101%], and if other requirements in the terms of the activity are met, you can also get a reward.

ten Q: Is there no chance for non brand products to participate in eBay Deals&Events?

A: We encourage sellers to register their products as brands and apply to pass the review of eBay's emerging brand smart manufacturing program, and also encourage sellers to purchase and sell in compliance with the brands identified by eBay in the Qianfan Program. Products with emerging brand smart manufacturing program, Qianfan Program or compliant international brands will have more opportunities to participate in eBay Deals&Events. However, for non brand products, if the sales volume of the advertisement is very good in the past 30 days, the advertisement defect and the seller's defect rate are at a very low level, the seller's account number is eTRS, and other conditions required by the event are met and competitive promotion prices are provided, the advertisement will also have the opportunity to be selected. (Source: eBay)

The above content belongs to the author's personal view and does not represent Hugo's position! In case of infringement, please contact us.

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