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The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!

Why did your independent station go online so late? Items that must be checked before the website goes online, help everyone get traffic as soon as possible after the website goes online!!

Hello everyone, I'm Russell. Today, I'd like to share with you the content of Wordpress website building. At present, more and more partners are starting to use Wordpress to build their own websites, saving the cost of finding a third party. After all, Wordpress can use plug-ins, and can build websites without code base. However, being able to use WP and being proficient in using WP are two complete concepts. Before, many fans said that their websites were very good, and the advertisements were also cast, but they didn't work. After reading their websites, they found that most of the websites they created were only display websites. They chose a beautiful template to replace pictures and words, but they didn't work. Next, I will share with you what necessary checks we need to do to go online after we finish the website with Wordpress.

Content check of website

1. Text check

After filling in the text content of the website, we first need to check and read the content of each page from beginning to end. Check the grammar and words to see if there are any wrong items, and if the sentences are smooth. After checking the most basic words, we also need to check the page content for duplication and AI. Of course, if your website content is completely original, it is basically no problem. Recommended duplication checking tool: Quetext

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!
Image source: Quetext

In the inspection results, the repeatability must be kept below 5%. The results will show you where the content is repeated. You can modify it directly.

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!

Image source: Quetext

2. Image inspection

Check whether the image is compressed. The file size of the image will greatly affect the loading speed of the website. It is suggested that you use Webp format pictures, which will greatly save space. The second is the ALT tag of the image. Check whether they have been added. Just check in the WP background media library,

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!

Image source: Wordpress

3. Links

Links here mainly refer to internal links. Whether the links in each page that need to be redirected can successfully jump to the associated page, such as links on some pictures, anchor text, etc. Here is a small suggestion. We can set the jump link to open a new window. After setting, users will click to open a new window. This can improve the user experience to a certain extent and prevent the loss of users.

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!
Image source: Wordpress

In addition, every page must add a breadcrumb navigation. Breadcrumb navigation is the most common form of inner chain, and the way to add it is also very simple. Many SEO plug-ins have their own breadcrumb navigation function, such as Yo'ast SEO. Here I show the Elementor editor, which can directly search for "Bread" in the element and drag it to the corresponding location.

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!! Image source: Wordpress

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!

Image source: Wordpress

4. Multimedia content

Multimedia content mainly means that we will link some YouTube videos on our website to check whether these videos can be played smoothly.

Functional inspection

1. Website form

The form of the website is the last step of the inquiry conversion, and must be carefully checked. The first is the design of forms, which should be as simple as possible. TOB type independent station forms usually have names, phone/email, and message boards. Try not to set too many required items or ask customers to fill in too many contents. Not all customers have the patience to fill in very detailed information for you. The most important thing is to obtain the customer's contact information.

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!
Image source: Wordpress

Secondly, check whether the privacy protection of the form is set to prevent spam and automated attacks. If you use the form that comes with the elementor, you can install it according to the following tutorial https://elementor.com/help/recaptcha-elementor-integration/

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!
Image source: Wordpress

Finally, you should test whether the sending and receiving are successful, and check whether there are other problems.

2. Website navigation inspect

Whether the website navigation is clear and available, including menus and submenus. Wordpress's built-in Menu generally has no problem as long as the inclusion relationship between menus is set. Let me mention one thing you should pay attention to if you use Mega Menu made by other plug-ins. You also need to set the relationship between pages in the page, such as the following:

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!! Image source: NSK

This kind of menu usually uses the Menu in the plug-in, and the page cannot automatically identify the hierarchical relationship. So you need to set the hierarchical relationship in the page. The method is also very simple. In the WP page settings, find Page Attributes and specify the page level here.

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!
Image source: Wordpress

Website performance check

1. Website loading speed

The speed of website loading is very important. It determines the bounce rate of websites and is also an important factor affecting the effect of SEO. How to check the loading speed of your website, you can directly use the official speed measuring tool pagespeed of Google

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!

Image source: Pagespeed

Generally speaking, your mobile terminal should score more than 60 points, and your desktop terminal should score more than 80 points. Of course, the faster the better. Of course, some cache plug-ins can be used for WP websites, such as W3 Total Cach, Nitropack, etc.

2. Check the number of plug-ins on the website

Wordpress plug-ins are not only a factor that affects the loading speed of a website, but also the more plug-ins there are, the more likely the website will have problems. Because too many plug-ins may cause mismatch between some plug-ins, leading to garbled code on the website, it is recommended that the total number of plug-ins should be less than 10, the less the better.

3. Image optimization

Image optimization has been mentioned above. Image files should be compressed to the minimum to reduce loading time.

security check

1. Install SSL certificate

The link without security certificate will display an exclamation mark. For customers Trust in your website will be lost

2. Install the security plug-in

After the website goes online, in order to prevent malicious attacks, security plug-ins can be installed, which can be understood as firewalls such as Wordence or Sucuri, and the website will be protected to a certain extent.

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!

Image source: Wordpress

3. Website backup

Needless to say, this is a must. Ensure that regular backups have been set up and that data can be recovered.

Adaptive check of each device on the website

Because Wordpress is not a template station, like Sass, templates have been adapted. Some templates of WP cannot be adaptive and need to be adjusted manually. In particular, the compatibility of the mobile side, because Google also gives priority to the mobile side in the inclusion page, if the mobile side is not well adapted, it will have a bad impact on Google's inclusion in the later stage, including customer browsing.

Basic SEO inspection

1. Page keyword layout

Before building a website, you must have done a good job of keyword research on each page and have your own key vocabulary. Now you need to check whether the keyword you want to layout appears in the page. If not, add it to the content.

2. TDK of page

The TDK of the page is called metadata, and they will be displayed in SERPs. So it is very important to write about TDK, because it will directly affect the click rate of your website.

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!

Image source: seoquake


Generate and submit XML website site maps to GSC to speed up the indexing of pages.

4.robots.txt robots.txt

We can also call it the crawl protocol to ensure that the robots.txt file is configured correctly and allow search engines to crawl pages that should be indexed.

Website analysis tools

The two website analysis tools we often use, GA4 and GSC, must be installed. I have already written about the installation tutorials of these two tools in the previous article. You can take a look.

laws and regulations

1. Privacy page of the website

For the privacy page of the website, if you don't know how to write it, you can use the privacy page template provided by Wordpress. In Settings, find Privacy.

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!

Image source: Wordpress

Here we directly click Create to create a privacy page. The template WP has been given to you. Just click Create. After creation, you can specify the privacy page.

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!

Image source: Wordpress

2. Cookie notification

As for cookie pop-up, due to the European advertising policy, it is not necessary to have cookies to place ads in Europe on Google. I have also mentioned how to create cookie pop-up in my previous article

Check user experience

After the above steps are completed, we need to browse all the pages again, or let colleagues help check, get feedback and adjust according to the feedback.

Website goes online

After all the above steps have been checked and found no problems, congratulations, your website can go online, and it is a website with SEO attributes. Several points to note after going online:

1. Release the recording In the process of creating the website, we blocked the search engine. So before going online, we must release the inclusion.

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!

Image source: Wordpress

2. Site language

The language of our independent foreign trade station must be English, and we must check whether the language of the next station is English.

 The list of items that must be checked before the Wordpress website goes online is recommended for collection!!

Image source: Wordpress

These are the items that must be checked before Wordpres goes online. After the website goes online, everyone should not look at it every day and want to change it. No change is the best optimization. After going online, you need to update more content and add more pages.

(Source: Russell's Digital Marketing Classroom)

The above contents belong to the author's personal views and do not represent Hugo's cross-border position! This article is reproduced with the authorization of the original author. Reproduction requires the authorization of the original author.

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