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Amazon Black Technology Uncover Secrets: Unlimited Secondkill

What is the skill of infinite second killing on the market?

Although everyone is talking about running, some of the technologies that should be used are not open to the public. You can look at your competitors. Is it possible that some of them are always using various kinds of black technologies, such as flying, merging comments, adding nodes, and unlimited second killing? You have nothing to do with them. In just one month, the sales volume is tens of thousands, and the money earned has already earned back the cost of the store. As long as the store is linked, it doesn't matter if it dies. Change the store and continue to sell. Anyway, the money will come back when it is due.

Of course, it is not recommended that people pursue black technology, but sometimes it depends on your choice.

Today in 2024, many sellers are still doing some black operations, such as the following:

 Amazon Black Technology Uncover Secrets: Unlimited Secondkill

Image source: SIF

This is an electronic seller. Because I'm an electronic seller, my friends can also go to see their own categories and observe more. They must have this kind of opponents who often kill second hand.

This product has five variants, the original price is 37.99, and the price is 25.99 in seven days. I see that he started to do second killing after he went on the shelf and combined some comments. He has been doing second killing every day for three months in a row. He has been in the top 10 of the category, and sometimes he can reach the top three.

This kind of continuous second kill is not the kind of second kill added by the common binding variant on the market. This second kill price has been kept at 25.99. It is not the kind of second second kill price that others said will have to fold up. The only difference I see is that his seller will change every Monday, so I judge that he must have used the method of buy and buy for continuous BD.

But do you know how to do it? Because according to Amazon's second kill rule, an ASIN can only perform a seven day second kill once in 21 days, but it has been doing it all the time without any problems, and more and more competitors are starting to do this kind of infinite second kill. Opening the keyword home page is all second kill.

It's said that many Amazon service providers can not only report all kinds of time limited seconds, seven day seconds, but also report unlimited seconds! What kind of ghost is Infinite Seckill? Today, let's have a comprehensive understanding of the mystery.

The first type: unlimited second kill through variant combination

1. Determine that the target ASIN is qualified for second kill. 2. Establish the same category, the same brand, and the same manufacturer, but with different pictures, different titles, and different listing, 1-10 of them. These ASINs serve as surrogate ASINs. (Because there will be failures in the process, or they will be canceled after success, it is recommended to try more)

3. Start reporting the second kill to the target ASIN

4. Combine with the first stunt ASIN after reporting the second kill

5. After 5-30 minutes, enter from the seckill, and then transfer the seckill on the target ASIN to the stand in ASIN. The specific method is that "+" will appear in front of the stand in ASIN, and click. "" will appear in front of the target AISN, click.

6. Then start to delete the parent and unbind the avatar ASIN and the target ASIN. At this time, there is no seckill on the target ASIN, but there is a seckill on the avatar ASIN

7. Repeat 2-6 steps until all 10 doubles have a second kill.

8. Start merging the target ASIN and the stand in ASIN, and then transfer the seckill on ASIN to the target ASIN. The practice is the same as before. After merging, you need to wait for 5-30 minutes,

9. Then repeat this step continuously to achieve infinite second killing. Note: After the target ASIN reports a second kill, it will merge with the substitute ASIN. After the merge, it will never be transferred. The "" and "" are not displayed, or the other ASIN cannot be seen. At this time, wait for 5-30 minutes. If not, try this step: the target ASIN is set to self delivery, the other one is set to FBA delivery, and the inventory is 0, or exchange back and forth.

10. Daughter A reports 7 days in the first week, Daughter B reports 7 days in the second week, Daughter C reports 7 days in the third week, and then binds them together

The second type: unlimited second kill through following sales

Principle: through multi store follow-up asin, declare the seckill on the follow-up sku of each store to achieve the effect of continuous seckill.

Resources required: multi store, apply for seckill resources (Amazon manager/service provider)

Example and operation: Seckill ASIN-A

Store A sells with ASIN - A gets SKU-A and applies for LD next week

Shop B sells with ASIN - A gets SKU-B, and the service provider/system declares BD next week

Store C sells with ASIN - A gets SKU-C, and the service provider/system declares LD next week

Realize the operation of LD to improve the basic ranking through LD-BD-LD within three weeks. The ranking brought by BD stabilized LD will rise to a higher level, and the traffic after LD stabilized BD. Realize curve overtaking.

It may happen that after a certain second kill, the next one will report the wrong reason for the price of the second kill,

But we ignore him. Amazon will automatically start the second killing when the time comes. The price is still the second killing price. Of course, it is also possible to cancel the second kill, but we have not experienced it. At present, the risk is that if the service provider reports by tampering with the code, it is likely to lead to accounting. Generally, the risk of declaration by internal managers is small.

The third type: capturing data packets through the background BD plug-in to obtain unlimited second kill -- the mainstream in the market now

Instead, the backend BD plug-in realizes the Amazon system vulnerability reporting ASIN by replacing the shell ASIN, and always finds the shell ASIN with BD qualification to replace it to the required Seckill ASIN,

This is through code operation. Many service providers are selling proxy plug-ins that run complex code operation programs. There will be some technical means and operation details in the middle to ensure the smooth progress of BD activities for four consecutive weeks, and to avoid that the price of every second week's second kill will be lower than the price of the first one. In this case, he will cancel the seckill promotion every Monday, let the system judge that there is no seckill, and then create a new variant, replace it with a qualified shell ASIN for next week's seckill. The shell ASIN is usually FBM 0 stock, which can be sold together. It is the process of replacing the ASIN until it is qualified for BD.

The fourth kind: reporting BD through Woot -- high cost

But in this way, Amazon takes the shopping cart directly, which means that Amazon purchases your products at the purchase price, and then runs BD on his woot,

 Amazon Black Technology Uncover Secrets: Unlimited Secondkill

Image source: Amazon

 Amazon Black Technology Uncover Secrets: Unlimited Secondkill

Source: woot

It also costs hundreds of dollars to use woot to report. If you need to clear the goods or want to quickly improve the ranking, you can go to research.

Commodity qualification to participate in seckill Commodity qualification

Qualified products will be automatically displayed in the [Qualified ASIN] section of the [Promotion Control Panel] when they meet the following conditions (varying with their countries/regions and different periods of the year):

Quality: The goods must have a sales history in Amazon Mall and a score of at least 4 stars.

Product variants: The promotion should include as many product variants as possible (such as size, color, style, etc.). For certain commodities, such as clothing and footwear, promotions should include at least 65% variants. We will specify the preset minimum proportion of product variants when you create a promotion.

Classification: Restricted goods and offensive, embarrassing or otherwise unsuitable goods do not meet the requirements. Commodities that do not meet the requirements include but are not limited to: * * *, alcohol, adult products, medical devices, drugs and infant formula.

Classification: Restricted goods and offensive, embarrassing or otherwise unsuitable goods do not meet the requirements. Examples of products that do not meet the requirements include * * *, adult products and drugs.

Shipping method: The goods must meet Amazon Prime requirements. You can select Amazon Logistics or Seller Self Delivery Prime in the delivery settings.

Status: Only commodities in the status of "new products" meet the conditions for participating in promotion.

Seller feedback rating: You must receive at least 5 ratings every month, and the overall star rating is at least 3.5 stars.

Return Rate: goods with a high return rate do not meet the requirements for promotion.

Promotion price: You must comply with our reference price policy, and the reference price must be verified.

Note: Given other standards that Amazon cannot disclose, some ASINs may not be recommended even if they meet the above standards. ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍


I wish you every day.

(Source: fishmeal is a nobody)

The above contents belong to the author's personal views and do not represent Hugo's cross-border position! This article is reproduced with the authorization of the original author. Reproduction requires the authorization of the original author.

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