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Big Dream of "Little Electric Donkey": from hegemony to group heating

"Little Electric Donkey" Going to Sea: Hot and Mute

With the familiar slogan of "Back up, please pay attention" appearing in the streets of the United States, the domestic "Three Jumps" has become the top stream, and overseas sales have also seen a significant increase. Business opportunities have sprung up suddenly. Millions of netizens are eager to do the "Three Jumps" business, and even the first entrants have made a lot of money. Under the whim, many netizens proposed that when the "Three Jumps" ushered in spring, could the "little electric donkey" that Chinese people like also be a big fire overseas?

"Little electric donkey" usually refers to electric bicycle or electric motorcycle. In different countries and regions, two wheel electric vehicles mainly include three categories: E-motorcycle electric motorcycle, E-bike electric bicycle and E-scooter electric scooter.

The Story of "Little Electric Donkey" Going to Sea: Two Camps Fighting

In 1995, China's first light electric vehicle came out. Since then, the "mini electric donkey" has swept the streets of China, from the grocery shopping mom to the takeaway boy. The "mini electric donkey" is an indispensable tool for travel.

On the contrary, if you stand on the streets of Europe or the United States, "small electric donkeys" are rare. Is it that the affordable two wheel electric vehicle is not favored overseas? No, as early as a few years ago, two wheel electric vehicles took advantage of Dongfeng to go out to sea, setting off a boom in the European and American markets.

According to the data of the General Administration of Customs, in terms of export volume, the cumulative export volume of China's electric motorcycles and bicycles has doubled in the past five years, and the growth rate in 2021 will be as high as 50.8%. In 2022, China's exports of electric motorcycles and bicycles will reach 5.336 billion US dollars, up 1% year on year.

According to the data reported by overseas research institute MRFR, the global market size of two wheel electric vehicles will exceed 100 billion dollars (about 700 billion yuan) by 2030, and the annual compound growth rate of the global market of two wheel electric vehicles will be 34.57% from 2022 to 2030. This fast-growing $100 billion market is just the opportunity for China's two wheel electric vehicles to go to sea.

The whole process of China's two wheel electric vehicles going to sea can be described as ups and downs. This may be revealed from the Chinese auto companies that took the lead in betting on overseas markets and presented their business cards.

According to third-party organizations, China's electric two wheeled vehicle market is highly concentrated, with nine major manufacturers accounting for more than 80% of the market share. Based on the sales volume in 2021, the market shares of Yadi, Emma, Tailing, Xinri, Luyuan and Maverick are 27.9%, 16.8%, 13.1%, 4.6%, 3.9% and 2.1% respectively.

Now, China's electric two wheeled vehicle outbound matrix has formed two camps, mainly including traditional car enterprise brands such as Yadi, Emma, Tailing and Xinri, and new stars such as Xiaoniu, No.9 Company and Halo. These two forces have carried out their own "long-term fishing" around the huge market of overseas two wheel electric vehicles.

Yadi, Emma and other traditional car enterprise brands gradually set up overseas branches, overseas factories and overseas R&D centers through betting channels and supply chains to explore cities overseas.

It is understood that Yadi's overseas strategy started early. As early as 2006, Yadi entered the French market and signed a purchase and sales agreement for 20000 electric vehicles. Emma started the journey of globalization in 2015. In August 2022, Emma International Business Department said that Emma's overseas orders were listed to February 2023. The 2022 financial report shows that Emma's overseas business revenue is 221 million yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 28.26%.

The main categories of Xiaoniu and No.9 are electric scooters and electric powered bicycles, which pay more attention to intelligence. They adopt the mode of "online sales+offline experience", cooperate with local e-commerce channels, and focus on the layout of overseas medium and high-end markets.

In 2022, the global sales volume of Xiaoniu Electric will be 831600, of which 121100 will be sold in overseas markets, accounting for 14.56%. Over the same period, the overseas revenue of Xiaoniu Electric increased by 50% year on year, accounting for 17.3% of the total revenue. In the first half of 2022, the overseas revenue of No. 9 Company will be 2.835 billion yuan, accounting for 58.82% of the revenue.

Not only that, in Amazon Prime Day a few years ago, brands such as Maverick and No. 9 Company occupied the main seats and occupied the top few sales rankings.

However, it is easier to fight than to defend. From the public data, Emma Electric Vehicle In 2023, the revenue from overseas business will be 226 million yuan, up 2.21% year on year, accounting for only 1.07% of the total revenue From 2019 to the first half of 2022, Emma's overseas income accounted for 0.70%, 0.82%, 1.13% and 1.24% respectively.

The low proportion of overseas market and stagnant performance are not only the difficulties faced by Emma, but also the most intuitive trouble for these car companies overseas.

Adventure of "Little Electric Donkey": A Strong Dragon Can't Overcome a Local Snake

When Yadi officially put forward the "Global Multiplication Strategy", its chairman said publicly: "Yadi will occupy at least 35% of the market in the future, one in three countries."

Although ambitious, it is not easy to achieve the ambition of sharing the world. Different overseas markets have obvious demand differences and different development prospects.

In recent years, countries all over the world attach great importance to "carbon neutrality" and have successively introduced relevant policies to encourage consumers to buy electric two wheeled vehicles. Under such a macro background and policy support, the overseas electric bicycle market has also undergone two major changes, That is, the soaring demand for electric scooters represented by Europe and the United States and the "motorcycle ban" wave dominated by Southeast Asia reflect different demands.

The data shows that in 2021, China will export 22.9 million electric two wheeled vehicles, up 27.7% year on year, with an export volume of 5.29 billion US dollars, up 50.8% year on year. In terms of export volume, North America is the largest market, followed by Europe, and Asia ranks third.

Although the European continent is not the region with the largest export volume, it is the first stop of the globalization strategy of many electric two wheeled vehicle enterprises.

On the one hand, the strong bicycle culture makes Europe a fertile land for the development of electric scooters, and the perfect road infrastructure facilitates bicycle travel. On the other hand, affected by the epidemic, more and more people choose "cycling" as a healthy and green way of travel. In particular, the demand for short distance vehicles such as two wheel electric vehicles in Europe has increased significantly, and consumers prefer E-bikes. Two wheel electric vehicles in the global market have maintained a steady growth trend. In addition, the increasingly urgent demand for carbon reduction and energy crisis in Europe have also increased the popularity of China's two wheel electric vehicles on the European market.

According to CONEBI data, the sales volume of electric scooters in Europe in 2020 will be about 4.537 million/+33.56%, with a penetration rate of about 20.63% (only 0.4% in 2005). The Pacific Securities Research News predicts that Europe will exceed 12 million vehicles/year in 2025, and the overall penetration rate of electric scooters will exceed 50% in the future, while the annual sales volume of electric scooters in the future will be between 510000 and 920000,

"Europe has a set of exclusive standards. If you want to enter the European market, you must make products meet these standards. But often these product standards and compliance policies can intercept a group of enterprises." Industry insiders said frankly that the European market has a high threshold of access, and the requirements for product performance, product certification, safety and other standards are very strict, It is much easier to take the European market as a tough bone and enter other markets.

It is reported that after the Mavericks went to Europe for exhibition in 2015, they began to receive overseas orders in 2016. However, in that year, Xiaoniu Electric only paid 500 products, and the certification requirements were the biggest obstacle at that time.

In the Southeast Asian market, as Southeast Asian countries will phase out fossil fuel powered vehicles by 2040 or earlier, "oil to electricity" has become a general trend. According to the data, it is expected that the global electrification rate will reach 60% in 2030, and the corresponding sales volume in ASEAN region will exceed 6.5 million vehicles. The huge market potential will stimulate the increase of China's exports of two wheel electric vehicles.

It is worth noting that, with the gradual increase of urbanization rate in Southeast Asia, and limited by the consumption level and road infrastructure, in addition to the user's requirements for load and performance, fuel motorcycles are still the main means of transportation and important production tools. Therefore, electric motorcycle and electric light motorcycle are also the best substitutes for oil motorcycle.

The overseas market is very popular, but there are more and more complicated competitors to face. In Europe and the United States, where more attention is paid to design and brand capabilities , Mavericks, No. 9's main electric scooter and electric bicycle. But with the rapid development of the market, a large number of emerging international brands have emerged in this track, such as VanMoff, Cannondale, Rad Power, etc dji They also intend to enter the electric bicycle industry. In addition, international old car companies such as Giant, Trek and Lightning are also eyeing this delicious cake.

Even the old domestic bicycle enterprises, such as Phoenix Bike, also aim at this new track. In 2020, Phoenix will establish a high standard lithium battery R&D and testing center, focus on lithium battery power products, and constantly expand and improve the product line. In 2022, Shanghai Phoenix displayed the high-end brand FNIX lithium battery product line of Phoenix at the world's largest and professional European International Bicycle Show, becoming one of the few Chinese exhibitors on the scene to develop their own brands. At present, Phoenix high-end brand FNIX series lithium powered bicycles have been launched in Norway, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Mexico and other countries.

In the Southeast Asian market, China's electric motorcycles want to replace fuel vehicles, facing the threat from local motorcycle brands and fuel motorcycles of international brands such as Honda and Yamaha.

On the one hand, even though "electricity price is cheaper than oil price", the overall price of electric motorcycle is still more expensive than that of fuel vehicle. On the other hand, the policies and infrastructure construction related to electrification in Southeast Asia are still in the initial stage. In order to meet the needs of endurance and speed, Southeast Asian consumers will prefer local motorcycles or international brands.

In addition to the challenges of competition between local brands and traditional transformation brands, as well as the legal right of way certification in overseas markets, domestic automobile enterprises face certain difficulties in brand image building, localization of offline channels, after-sales services, etc.

Dream of "Little Electric Donkey"

"Little electric donkey" is small, but Demand for brand going to sea great The development of China's electric bicycle industry has not yet reached For more than 20 years, enterprises going to sea want to yield twice the result with half the effort fast Open the situation, Needless to say The problem of thinking for a long time.

According to the analysis of the White Paper on China's Two wheel Electric Vehicle Industry in 2023, the intelligent development of two wheel electric vehicles is still in its early stage. The focus of traditional head brands is still mostly on the direction of endurance and performance improvement, and the priority of intelligent investment is not enough; In addition, most of them do not have strong intelligent technology, software R&D strength and talent reserves, and there is a long way to go in exploring and trying intelligent technology R&D and industrial cooperation. The new force brand is technologically advanced but has a low market share, which has limited improvement in the overall intelligent level of the industry.

Industry insiders say frankly that China, as a global "manufacturing kingdom", has absolute competitiveness in going to sea. But, To break through the bottleneck of overseas business growth, two wheel electric vehicle enterprises should report to the group for warmth, form strategic alliances with upstream and downstream enterprises in industries with complementary advantages, and also make efforts in product strength, innovative technology and sales channels.

Xu Li, director of Phoenix brand, said, Only by upgrading and innovating products and taking the differentiation route can the core competitiveness of enterprises be guaranteed. The technical level of domestic parts manufacturers is almost at the same level as that of overseas manufacturers, such as Bafang Motor, Wanjia Motor and other domestic manufacturers are among the best. After Phoenix's involvement in the field of electric bicycle, it is conducive to strengthening the independent and controllable ability of the industrial chain and supply chain, and cracking the core parts of medium and high-end products Neck jam problem 。”

From the perspective of sales channels, different categories have different strategies in channel layout Industry insiders said that in terms of after-sales service and overall experience, Electric bicycles and electric motorcycles are more suitable for offline channels And electric scooter This category of products, Compared with light weight and no complicated installation, it is more suitable for reaching C-end consumers through cross-border e-commerce online.

Foreign local enterprises have mastered a large number of sales channels and have a high market share in the local market, which makes it difficult for foreign brands to enter. "In the digital era, we can quickly enter the market through cross-border e-commerce channels such as Alibaba International Station." According to Xu Li, the brand director of Phoenix, Phoenix has set up a new media marketing department. Through cooperation with e-commerce platforms, Phoenix has formed an online marketing model that accurately serves users through data analysis and processing.

Emma Technology In the announcement express, Is Intensify the layout of overseas markets Last year, Alibaba International Platform and independent station (the official website of Emma brand overseas) have been launched to increase the brand's exposure in overseas markets through platform operation and increase customer access channels; We have reached product sales cooperation relations with enterprises in some countries in North and South America, and made great progress in local channel expansion.

Going to sea is becoming the second curve for two wheel electric vehicle enterprises to seek development however, Fittest The reason for survival may also be what all two wheel electric vehicle enterprises should understand.

Article/Hugo Cross border Jiang Xiaoling Cover/Graphic Insect Creativity


1、 https://news.cnstock.com/industry , rdjj-202211-4987222.htm
2、 https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1776738812427420293&wfr=spider&for=pc
3、 https://www.cifnews.com/article/144165

(Source: Jiang 00)

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