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EBay operation must see! FAQ of advertising products

FAQ of eBay advertising full product series.

EBay sellers have been paying close attention to the use of advertising products. In the last issue, we targeted to solve the frequently asked questions about offsite ads. In this issue, we continue to answer questions about the whole product of advertising!

Standard promotion publication

How to select the listing of PLS? Should listing for the same purpose be put in one advertising campaign or is it more appropriate to put a single listing?

PLS is suitable for publishing all articles in the store. Because it is an advertising product with transaction fees, you need to pay the advertising fees only after the article is published. The effect is guaranteed. The seller can launch listing for different purposes in the same advertising campaign , just set an appropriate rate for it, and the algorithm will automatically recommend your listing to the people who are interested in your listing.

How to set the rate for PLS advertising of new products?

The goal of new product advertising is generally to get enough exposure as soon as possible to help us incubate the tested products/new products. It is suggested that PLS can set higher rates, Dynamic ads rate can be adopted, Increase the daily recommended rate by 2-3 points. The higher the rate, the greater the chance of getting exposure, which can help our new products get exposure faster.

Advanced promotion publication Listing related

When there are many listings to promote, can you choose listings of different categories and prices in the same intelligent positioning advertising campaign?

It is suggested to put listing of the same category in an advertising campaign. If there are many listings to be promoted, the price can not be given priority for the time being.

What are the requirements of smart location advertising activities on links? How to optimize later?

It is suggested to select listing for the same purpose in a single intelligent positioning advertising campaign, which is mainly for the purpose of measuring products and money. If the budget is sufficient, you can continue to divide multiple advertising activities according to the price.

After 1-2 weeks of launch, it is recommended to suspend listing in a timely manner.

Is it recommended to start PLS and PLA immediately for the listing just launched?

For the new listing just installed on the shelf, it is recommended to open PLS and PLA to obtain the flow and accumulate data as soon as possible.

If the same listing is placed in different ad groups and different keywords are used, will the exposure affect each other?

can't. However, if the advertising campaign budget is set too low, some keywords may not be exposed due to exceeding the budget.

Advertising activities

How much is the daily budget setting of PLA appropriate when the order has not been issued at the initial stage of advertising campaign creation?

According to the formula of advertising cost=clicks * cost per click, it is recommended that sellers calculate the minimum number of clicks required for daily order issuance in combination with the conversion rate of launching listing, and multiply it with the average auction price set by themselves to obtain the minimum budget. It is recommended that the daily budget for a single advertising campaign should be at least 10 local currencies.

How can I download a campaign report?

If there are more than three advertising campaigns being launched, it is recommended to regularly download the advertising campaign report at reports download to help locate the advertising campaigns with poor performance.

When optimizing advertising activities, what time dimension advertising report is appropriate?

It is recommended to check the report every 1-2 weeks. The time dimension can be nearly 30 days to ensure more sufficient data.

Can I customize the time for traffic reports?

At present, all ad reports support custom time ranges. Click to download the report and select "custom range".

If there are many lists, is there any way to determine which one has been PLA?

You can learn about listing of PLA by downloading the Listing Report of PLA.

Download Path

Seller Hub Reports Download

Keywords and matching types

Do you need to add all types of a keyword in the early stage of manual ad testing? Can I set both breadth and phrase matching for the same keyword?

In case of sufficient budget, it is recommended to select multiple matching types for a keyword for effect testing at the initial stage of manual advertisement creation. If the budget is limited, it is recommended to select phrase matching/precise matching for the core words; If it is a long tailed word, it is recommended to choose broad matching.

Why is the search term very general when launching broad matching?

Broadly match the original definition: words can be added before, after or in the middle of the keywords set by the seller, and the buyer's search words need not be consistent with the order of the keywords.

At present, the broad matching will be based on the above definition, Match the seller's advertisement with the keyword according to the correlation between the keyword and the buyer's shopping experience. Broad matching can help sellers cover a wider audience with fewer keywords. For example, if a seller adds the broadly matched keyword "kid's shoes" to the ad group, the seller's ad may be displayed through search terms such as "children's footwear".

Off site advertising

How to improve the effect of off-site advertising?

Set a reasonable daily budget

Adopt the "suggested daily budget" provided by the platform to improve the advertising effect and increase the exposure of articles.

Keep advertising going

It is suggested that the default "Continuous" mode should be maintained for advertising activities, so as to facilitate the continuous learning and optimization of the algorithm.

Why didn't you see the effect immediately after the new advertising campaign was launched?

The new advertising campaign will enter a learning stage after it is launched. This stage is mainly about the algorithm to collect data and optimize advertising performance. Due to the lack of historical data for new advertisements, the learning stage is crucial. Only when the advertisement runs continuously can the algorithm have more data to analyze, so as to improve the advertising effect.

Why adopt the daily suggested budget? But why can't the budget be spent?

If the daily budget is too low, it will affect the competitiveness of the articles published on the off-site media platform and the number of clicks actually obtained The daily recommended budget is the budget recommendation made by eBay based on the seller's past performance data and market conditions Therefore, it is recommended that sellers adopt the daily recommended budget recommended by the platform to ensure the update of budget settings to obtain the best traffic effect.

As the off-site advertising will automatically launch all eligible fixed price items according to your product inventory size and historical traffic, if your Limited number of articles published or articles published in the quality report are rejected , which may also cause incomplete budget consumption. It is recommended that you appropriately raise your daily budget to get more exposure opportunities. At the same time, the off-site advertising algorithm needs a certain amount of time to learn and accumulate data to optimize the advertising effect. It is recommended that the advertising should be launched at least for 4-6 weeks, so that the algorithm can fully learn and improve the advertising performance.

Q2 25% off promotion for advertisements outside the station. If new advertisements are opened after the advertisement is closed, can the discount also be deducted

If you are already launching Offsite Ads and have received an invitation for a 25% discount promotion, you can directly click the activation link to participate. Offsite Ads can participate in real-time deduction 24 hours after successful activation.

 EBay operation must see! FAQ of advertising products

Display advertising

Where is the advertising space for display ads?

Desktop side: below the details page, at the top of the search results page (US site only; invitation system)

Mobile terminal: below the detail page

The above is a collection of issues that sellers are most concerned about eBay advertising products recently.

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(Source: ebay)

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