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How to contact eBay customer service, and how to contact eBay customer service

EBay sellers will inevitably need the help of the platform customer service to solve problems when opening stores. Today, let's see how to contact eBay customer service.

EBay sellers will inevitably need the help of the platform customer service to solve problems when opening stores. Today, let's see how to contact eBay customer service.

How can I contact eBay customer service?

1. Online customer service

The seller can find the platform customer service through the contact center or online customer service on eBay's official website; Or you can go directly to the following website: www.ebay.com/contact-us, describe your problems clearly and send them to the customer service, so that the other party will give targeted answers.

However, it should be noted that there are online service hours: 9:00am to 7:30pm from Monday to Friday, and 9:00am to 5:30pm on Saturday and Sunday.

2. Telephone customer service

For telephone customer service, you can call these two numbers:

EBay customer service: (866) 540-3229

EBay Headquarters: (800) 322-9266 or 1 (408) 376-7400

You can call directly or through Skype, but there is only English customer service, not Chinese customer service. Service hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (GMT+8) from Monday to Friday.

3. E-mail

You can also contact the customer service of the platform by email, which is also the most commonly used customer service contact method.

However, the response time is a little longer, usually within two working days after receiving the seller's email; In addition, if the problem description of the email is not clear, there will be no reply, which is troublesome.

4. Third party platform

EBay will also create official accounts on some third-party social platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook and other social platforms. If you can't find the platform customer service through the above contact information, you can try to contact the official customer service through these channels; You can also @ eBay in the published content, and the platform will reply after seeing it.

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(Source: cross-border junior sisters)

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Cross border junior sister
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