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Improve customer service quality, timely solve buyer problems, and improve buyer satisfaction!

EBay conducted a survey on buyer experience in all our markets, and found that buyer experience is critical to the long-term sustainable development of cross-border e-commerce sellers!

 Improve customer service quality, timely solve buyer problems, and improve buyer satisfaction!

EBay conducted a survey on buyer experience in all our markets, and found that buyer experience is critical to the long-term sustainable development of cross-border e-commerce sellers! As an important indicator of the buyer's satisfaction, the seller's satisfaction with the buyer in terms of product quality, logistics timeliness and after-sales will greatly improve the buyer's recognition and loyalty, bring more possibility of repurchase and recommend others to purchase, thus bringing more sales opportunities for the seller and creating higher GMV.

Previously, we emphasized that The importance of timely after-sales communication by customer service, among which the M2M station news is an important channel for sellers and buyers to communicate on the eBay platform.

 Improve customer service quality, timely solve buyer problems, and improve buyer satisfaction!

Focus on product quality, improve buyer satisfaction and improve transformation!

For buyers who have not contacted the seller but leave a negative comment, eBay will guide the buyer to contact the seller through M2M, which provides the seller with an opportunity to solve the problem. The seller must pay attention to the information in the station, make good use of M2M, provide timely, active and professional customer service, effectively reduce disputes and improve the buyer experience.

Improve the duty system and take advantage of AI technology

Timely respond to buyer inquiries

For the buyer's consultation, the seller's response timeliness is crucial. If the buyer You can get a reply within half an hour, and your satisfaction with the shopping experience will be greatly improved than that of a few hours later. EBay hereby suggests that capable sellers establish a perfect customer service duty system to ensure that they can check the messages in the station in time to avoid omission. Due to the time difference between Chinese sellers and European and American buyers, it is suggested that capable sellers should equip night shift customer service according to the time difference of the main site, so as to ensure that there is manual customer service online during the time when buyers' consultation is concentrated and respond to buyers' needs in a timely manner.

In particular

Sellers should not take reducing the refund rate and return rate as the main evaluation criteria for customer service, but need to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of indicators including medium and poor ratings, low scores for items that do not match the description, and favorable ratings.

When the buyer expresses dissatisfaction after receiving the goods and opens a return dispute, It is recommended that the seller quickly resolve the return dispute, handle it in a timely manner, and close the dispute as soon as possible. When the buyer opens the return, it means a bad purchase experience. If the seller still negotiates repeatedly with the buyer about the refund proportion and other issues, and delays in closing the dispute in a timely manner, it may cause further dissatisfaction from the buyer, leading to a negative comment. This will directly affect the performance of the seller's account and the buyer's experience index, which is very unfavorable for the seller.

In order to expand the ability of customer service to handle inquiries, We also encourage sellers to use AI technology as a supplement to manual customer service. The seller can sort out the common buyer's questions, provide complete and detailed answers, and let the buyer solve the problems in a timely manner through automatic response. For example, for the goods that need to be installed and debugged, the seller can set the access path of the installation instructions to automatic response, and the buyer can directly access them when needed. however, When using AI technology, sellers should also avoid using too much mechanical automatic response, which will make buyers feel that they have never contacted customer service personnel, and their own demands have not been paid attention to and handled.

Proactively provide services

Reduce the impact of disputes

In addition to timely response, the seller also needs to actively provide services. EBay research found that sellers can effectively reduce dispute initiation and significantly improve buyer satisfaction by actively asking buyers about their shopping experience after the order is completed and delivered, and providing answers to buyers' possible questions in advance. EBay recommends that sellers establish a complete after-sales customer service communication mechanism, set up an automatically triggered in station message during order completion and delivery, and take the initiative to contact buyers.

Let's take a look at the following example of this seller. The seller took the initiative to send an in station letter after the goods were delivered, informing the buyer of the status of the order, inviting the buyer to leave a positive comment when he received the goods and was satisfied with the goods, and also assuring the buyer that if he was not satisfied after receiving the goods, he could contact customer service and get a positive treatment.

 Improve customer service quality, timely solve buyer problems, and improve buyer satisfaction!

After receiving the letter from the website, the buyer said that he was very satisfied with the seller's service.

 Improve customer service quality, timely solve buyer problems, and improve buyer satisfaction!

It should be noted that, Whether products can be delivered on time is the most important issue for buyers. For products that are not delivered in time as expected, we suggest that the seller take the initiative to maintain communication with the buyer through the M2M website letter, and also suggest that the seller establish a proactive compensation or refund process. For orders that cannot be delivered in time or lose packages, the online customer service can timely give the buyer a refund and compensation to reduce the possibility of buyer complaints.

Improve customer service professionalism

Effectively solve buyer problems

EBay research found that most buyers are in a problem-solving mindset at the beginning of the transaction. If we can get a professional and quick reply from customer service at this time, we can still maintain high buyer satisfaction. Therefore, we recommend sellers Focus on improving the professionalism of customer service, and effectively solve all kinds of problems of buyers when they send in the station letter for consultation.

How to improve professionalism? EBay has three suggestions:

1. Smooth communication ability

Taking auto and motorcycle accessories as an example, professional customer service should be able to communicate with buyers accurately and fluently in the language of the country of destination to avoid poor communication due to poor foreign language.

2. Complete customer service information

The customer service team should be equipped with product instructions and installation instructions in local language. When the buyer has questions, they can send the product instructions and installation instructions to the buyer at the first time.

3. Professional product knowledge

Among eBay auto parts buyers, professional buyers account for a high proportion. Customer service responsible for auto parts products should receive training on model matching, OE coding, product installation or be equipped with corresponding support teams.

(Source: eBay)

The above contents belong to the author's personal views and do not represent Hugo's cross-border position! In case of infringement, please contact us.

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