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Practical dry goods! 10 ways to improve Shope store traffic!

How to optimize and improve on the Shopee platform?

 Practical dry goods! 10 ways to improve Shope store traffic!

Shopee as cross-border The entry platform of e-commerce is easy to use, but there are some sellers Low customer price The confusion of. If you want to make high profits in Shope, high order volume is fundamental.

When choosing a platform, sellers will choose a platform with a large number of users. More users means more traffic. The larger the traffic, the easier it is to achieve the seller's ultimate goal - profit.

The competition between sellers is basically the traffic competition Therefore, how to improve the flow of products and stores is a matter of great concern to all sellers. When the flow of products or stores is poor, what can sellers do to optimize and improve?

1. Update

On Shope, as long as new products are launched, they will bring exposure to the products , which is equivalent to the free traffic from the Shopee platform to sellers.

Therefore, it is recommended that sellers stick to a certain number of new products on the Shope every day, which is helpful for the store to obtain traffic in the early stage.

2. Manual top setting

In the background settings of Shope, there is a "Boost Now" function, through which the seller can set the top every time 5 Products.

 Practical dry goods! 10 ways to improve Shope store traffic!

(Image source: Shopee)

The top five products can increase the exposure time by 4 hours If the five products are listed on page 20 when they are put on the shelves, the buyer needs to turn 20 pages to turn to the five products. However, if the seller has done manual topping, the five products can be listed on the top 10 pages or even the top 5 pages within 4 hours.

Therefore, manual topping is a method to increase the weight of product flow. Although the increased exposure period is relatively short, it can only be set once every 4 hours. But, This function can be set manually After 4 hours, the seller can top 5 more products.

3. Feed posting

stay Shopee There is a F The function of the eed, yes Shopee 's forum and WeChat circle of friends similar

 Practical dry goods! 10 ways to improve Shope store traffic!

(Image source: Shopee)

The seller can F Advertise products in the eed to share popular products in the store stay F Many buyers can see it in the feed. If the buyer is interested in clicking the product picture sent by the seller, he can directly enter the link to the store.

4. Talk to promote vitality

Talking is not only a tool to provide customers with answers to their questions, but also a channel to maintain the interaction between sellers and customers. When the store launches new products or products for price reduction, the seller can send shope fans to recall old customers by chatting.

 Practical dry goods! 10 ways to improve Shope store traffic!

(Image source: Shopee)

5. Filling in background activities

After entering Shope, you should go to the backstage to watch the theme activities every day. You can sign up for any activity related to your store or commodities. Sign up for free transportation Cash back items All can obtain platform marking, which not only has weight in ranking, but also can attract buyers to click on goods.

 Practical dry goods! 10 ways to improve Shope store traffic!

(Image source: Shopee)

6. Product optimization

Many novice sellers become very confused when they find that there is no traffic in the store after the product is launched.

In fact, at this time, the seller can also optimize the product by making a round of optimization of the main picture, price and title of the product, Re launch after optimization. At this time, another wave of product exposure will be obtained, which is the second exposure stage

7. Product label optimization

The Shopee platform's algorithm recommends products based on labels, so labels with high weight are conducive to product exposure and attract stores. Therefore, sellers should regularly check whether their product description interfaces are labeled (consisting of "#" followed by keywords). Note that a product can support at most eighteen Tags. The label description should be structured in advance, such as“ First level category+second level category+product+style+material+hot search tag+store name ”。

The setting of shop commodity labels on the Shope platform should pay attention to the correlation between labels and commodities, highlight the characteristics of products to arouse users' interest, and consider users' consumption habits at the same time.

If you are a novice and your products rank relatively low, it is recommended not to add labels with high weight, so it is easy to attract others.

 Practical dry goods! 10 ways to improve Shope store traffic!

(Image source: Shopee)

8. Selection of stores

After setting up the popular selection of stores, the products selected by the sellers will be displayed below the store information on the details page. Through store association, high exposure products are used to deliver traffic for other products in the store.

 Practical dry goods! 10 ways to improve Shope store traffic!

(Image source: Shopee)

9. Minimum Price Guarantee

The Shopee platform provides support for the lowest priced products in the same category, and marks the product with an exclusive logo. In addition to the irregular selection of the platform, sellers can also submit their own reports by comparing the prices of peers.

Customers in Southeast Asia are highly price sensitive and pay high attention to the products marked with "minimum price guarantee".

 Practical dry goods! 10 ways to improve Shope store traffic!

(Image source: Shopee)

10. Off station drainage

In addition to the in station flow of the platform, the off station drainage is gradually paid attention to.

Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and other social platforms cover a wider range of users. With the huge traffic of social networking sites, sellers can attract more fans to the store, thus improving the popularity of the store, and laying the foundation for building an independent brand and cultivating fan loyalty.

For more details, please consult the customer service of Keyou Cloud, scan the QR code and remark [Hugo].

(Editor: Jiang Tong)

(Source: Keyou Cloud)

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