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Shopee has no traffic? You must know these drainage methods!

How to attract customers in Shope?

 Shopee has no traffic? You must know these drainage methods!

(Picture source: Tuchong Creativity)

As a seller, what worries me most? No traffic, of course! Work hard to improve and Optimization was done, but no one entered the store This is a ordeal for many sellers.

So, how can we change this state? How about channeling your store?

In fact, Shopee Both inside and outside the station seller Prepare drainage methods, learn these drainage methods, easily increase the flow, and the flow of the store must not worry!

I Shopee Station drainage Of channel

one Categorical approach

Selection: Choose trendy products with high cost performance ratio, and sell hot products in time

From the target group: On the Shope, 60% - 70% of users are young women, and fashion products are more likely to sell well

Key categories: Popular shoes and clothes Cosmetics and health care Maternal and infant supplies Watch accessories Home decoration men's wear.

two Search Path

Product name and description optimization: Optimize product name and description according to hot search words and labels.

Hot search words: Advertising keywords through hot search words can improve the exposure rate of commodity search.

identification: We can add popular logo in the description of the product, which can also attract more consumers.

 Shopee has no traffic? You must know these drainage methods!

Image source: Shopee

three Launch new products in different periods, and promote the way of setting the top

Upload products in small batches and time periods: Upload small quantities of goods regularly every day, so that the newly uploaded goods can rank top in the search rankings of similar goods, which is conducive to the continuous exposure of the store It is suggested to choose the time of new arrival at the peak of traffic at each station. For example, Taiwan and Singapore, China, place the most orders at 20-24 p.m., Thailand at 13-15 p.m., Malaysia at 14-16 p.m., and Indonesia at 10-12 p.m.

Boost: For the free drainage of the platform, businesses can choose to top 5 products within 4 hours. With this function, the product can be promoted on the top, and the system will display the product at the front of the corresponding category page.

four Platform activity approach

We can actively participate in platform activities, such as limited time special price and various theme activities; You can also purchase the promotion resource package of the website to obtain the event exposure information during the promotion.

five Live broadcast channel

live broadcast: Using the live broadcast function of each website, you can add products to be pushed in the live broadcast, set up coupons to be sent in the live broadcast, and guide the audience to pay attention to our store.

six Fans

Active attention: Search for popular sellers of the same kind, and actively follow the seller and his fans, so that the probability of returning fans is greater, and at the same time, it can increase exposure.

Buyer interaction circle fans: Every communication opportunity with buyers is very important. Timely reply to information can improve the conversion and retention of buyers.

Fans discount: Encourage buyers to like our products or pay attention to our store, and give discounts or gifts as rewards when buying next time You can also set "follow" in the background to attract buyers' attention to the store.

Low price promotion: The simplest way to attract customers with price.

If the channel of traffic in the station is well established, the store can basically slow down operate Get up. If you have a bigger idea, you can also layout the traffic outside the station. Shopee Link between Facebook and Instagram You can work hard on these two aspects.

For example: Shopee stay China Taiwanese Instagram The account shows that there is a price and "commodity inquiry" on an image. After entering the product details page, users can directly choose to purchase.

Facebook traffic is also excellent. Many Southeast Asian users first contact the Internet by opening Facebook through their mobile phones, Check the news It is their daily habit.

So, if you want to get Shopee Other external traffic needs to be publicized on Facebook and Instagram.

It is recommended to put I first nstagram Make a good layout with Facebook. On these social platforms or content platforms, we need to leave our own traces and do some positive propaganda. If possible, we can find overseas online celebrities to send Instagram dynamic Or Facebook, this effect is certainly not bad.

that What's the effect of this drainage experience It is recommended to use scenario maps to send products, and then provide a good shopping link.

 Shopee has no traffic? You must know these drainage methods!

Operating according to the grass planting mode of Xiaohongshu and Weibo, it will soon gather popularity for stores, especially beauty shops and skin care shops for women's products, which is very rapid.

That's it Shopee The main drainage method. The seller friends with less ideal store flow might as well give it a try.

Remember, do Shopee The main thing is the operation skills and selection ability. The novice should not blindly select products in the early stage, which will only reduce the weight of the store and waste their time and make full use of it Shopee Channels provided just It can make the store prosperous.

For more details, please consult the customer service of Keyou Cloud, scan the QR code and remark [Hugo].

(Editor: Jiang Tong)

(Source: Keyou Cloud)

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