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Pure dry goods: 12 forbidden areas that must not be touched by the operation shop

What forbidden areas can't be touched by Shopee?

 Pure dry goods: 12 forbidden areas that must not be touched by the operation shop

With the continuous development of the Shopee platform, the relevant policies have become more and more strict, and the crackdown on violations has gradually increased. Novice sellers will be hit if they are a little careless. Although compared with Amazon, Shopee's rules are relatively loose, but the rules are the rules. Once touched, it will be easier to rectify the store, and more important to ban the store directly. that What forbidden areas can't be touched by Shopee

1、 Store Association

Store association is a commonplace issue on Amazon and other platforms. Just a while ago, Amazon started a wave of number blocking due to store association.

Shopee, like Amazon and other cross-border e-commerce platforms, limits the number of stores owned by each person. If one person is found to own several stores from different companies, they will be blocked.

In addition, if One collection account number is bound to multiple accounts , once found, it will also be regarded as a store association, resulting in closure. Therefore, if a novice is going to build a store group or have more than one store, be sure to use it Vps anti association Otherwise, once sealed, it will be difficult to appeal.

2、 Wrong category

When the product is put on the shelf, Deliberately put the goods in the wrong category, or use the brand logo for the goods not authorized by the brand. For example, if you upload a package to the 3C category, it will be regarded as the wrong category. If the seller sets the product to the wrong category and is found by the platform for the first time, the product will be removed from the system. If the seller still has the wrong category after modification, the product will be deleted by the system and corresponding penalty points will be deducted. If the seller uploads the product for the third time and it is still the wrong category, the product will be deleted by the system, and the seller will get an additional penalty score of 1 point.

3、 Repeated publication

Repeated publication refers to the act of repeatedly publishing the content of the same commodity.

In order for buyers to have a better purchase experience when using Shopee, the platform stipulates that there must be significant differences between the products published by sellers, such as title, picture, description, price, SKU, classification, etc.

Have you ever done the repeated wrong behavior of the following goods?

Error demonstration 1: put sub SKU products on the shelves as different products

 Pure dry goods: 12 forbidden areas that must not be touched by the operation shop

(Image source: Shopee)

Error demonstration 2: The same product is launched with different titles and pictures.

 Pure dry goods: 12 forbidden areas that must not be touched by the operation shop

(Image source: Shopee)

Error demonstration 3: For products with similar styles or DIY products, repeat and identical titles should be used.

 Pure dry goods: 12 forbidden areas that must not be touched by the operation shop

(Image source: Shopee)

Products that are repeatedly published between stores of the same seller and products that are repeatedly published between different sellers will be deleted by the platform and will be given a scoring penalty.

4、 Abuse of keywords

Abuse of keywords generally refers to Incorrect brand name Fill in duplicate or multiple different brand names in brand attributes Include unnecessary description in brand name Etc.

In order to prevent sellers from misusing keywords to mislead search and affect buyers' browsing, the Shopee platform will notify sellers to re edit products. If the quality is unqualified again, the goods will be deleted.

This is especially important for small language sites. Translation software can translate Chinese into small languages, such as Thai, and it is easy to find irrelevant keywords. It is suggested that those who do not understand small languages on small language sites should use English directly.

5、 Goods prohibited from sale on the shelves

Prohibited products are not allowed to be launched on all platforms. Common prohibited products include Sex toy narcotics firearms Products, medicines, liquids, etc. prohibited from sale by the state. If the goods are banned from sale on the shelves, the seller's shop will be deleted and points will be deducted. If they are uploaded again, they will be automatically removed from the shelves.

6、 Sell different products under the same commodity ID

The Shopee platform does not allow the replacement of different commodities under the same commodity ID. The platform will regularly clean up relevant illegal commodities.

If the seller changes the information of existing commodity A, such as name, description, picture, etc., to another completely different commodity B, this behavior will display the original score and evaluation of commodity A as the score and evaluation of commodity B. It will bring buyers wrong understanding and judgment about commodity B.

7、 Use false discounts

Shopee basically has promotional activities every month. If there is a false discount, it will affect the enthusiasm of buyers for the promotion and reduce their trust in Shopee promotional activities.

Therefore, false discounts will be warned or even deleted and scored. If the seller raises the price of the promoted goods within a period of time before the promotion, it will be warned. If the circumstances are serious, the goods will be deleted. If the discount price set by the seller is higher than the original price of the goods, the goods will be deleted.

8、 Sell virtual products

Selling virtual products refers to such behaviors as Taobao purchasing, WeChat recharging, PS software for others, Windows recharging advertising, advertising goods, etc. The above behaviors will also be deducted once found.

9、 Late delivery rate

The late delivery rate is calculated based on the time when the package arrives at the domestic transit warehouse and is scanned after the seller clicks on delivery.

Calculation of late delivery orders: DTS (working days)+orders scanned within 2 calendar days It will be recorded as a late delivery order (DTS is the seller's self set stocking time in the background, and the default DTS is 2 days).

Late delivery rate=(orders delivered late in the past 7 days/total orders delivered in the past 7 days) x 100%

For example, in Taiwan, China and Vietnam, if 30 orders have been issued in the past 7 days, 3 of which are counted as late delivery orders, the store will be deducted 2 points.

10、 Order unfinished rate

Unfinished orders in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia Orders cancelled voluntarily by the seller, return and refund orders successfully initiated by the buyer, automatic cancellation orders due to the seller's responsibility, and orders cancelled by the buyer due to the seller's responsibility

Unfinished orders in Taiwan and Vietnam Orders cancelled voluntarily by the seller, return and refund orders successfully initiated by the buyer, and automatic cancellation orders caused by the seller's responsibility

In addition, if the package is not delivered to the warehouse within the specified time, the order will be automatically canceled. The calculation method for automatic cancellation of the order is:

DTS (working days)+2 calendar days without clicking the order of delivery It will be recorded as automatic order cancellation;

DTS (working days)+orders not scanned within 4 calendar days Will be recorded as automatic cancellation of the order.

It should be noted that if the package delivered to the transit warehouse is returned due to super materials and the order is cancelled when the seller is packing, it will be included in the "automatic cancellation of the order due to the seller's responsibility".

Buyers in Southeast Asia generally purchase multiple products at one time in order to make up for free shipping or discounts. The seller must consider the volume of the package in advance to avoid the buyer's failure to ship normally after placing an order, which will lead to the cancellation of the order and affect the store.

11、 Infringement of pictures or products

Commodities have characteristics very similar to specific brands. If the seller embezzles the pictures and descriptions of other sellers and is reported successfully, once confirmed, 15 points will be deducted and the store will be frozen.

If the seller is complained of infringement for the first time, the Shopee platform will take the corresponding infringing goods off the shelves. If the seller is complained of infringement again, the Shopee platform will temporarily freeze the complained seller's account for 7 days; After unfreezing, if the account is complained of infringement again, it will be frozen for another 7 days, and so on.

12、 Guide customers to leave the Shope platform

Guide customers to leave the Shopee platform. If sellers publish advertisements, they will be punished by the seller's punishment system regardless of the form.

Therefore, it is recommended that sellers communicate with buyers in real time through "chat". Sellers are not allowed to contact buyers through third-party platforms, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, etc., or intend to lead transactions outside the Shopee platform through the built-in URL jumping function.

For more details, please consult the customer service of Keyou Cloud, scan the QR code and remark [Hugo].

(Editor: Jiang Tong)

(Source: Keyou Cloud)

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