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Summary of the reasons and solutions for the most complete sales decline in [Amazon]'s history

Today, let's talk about why the sales of listing suddenly dropped.

 Summary of the reasons and solutions for the most complete sales decline in [Amazon]'s history

Is your link sales as good as usual during the Mid Autumn Festival? Today, let's talk about why the sales of listing suddenly dropped.

1. Listing is taken off the shelf

① The listing text exceeds the character limit (including but not limited to the title), has sensitive words, and is missing important information detected by the system and removed from the shelf. Check the reason and correct the information.

② Lisitng will be taken off the shelves if it is complained of infringement (copyright, trademark), product safety problems, second-hand goods, excessive product quality problems, and high return rate. When encountering this problem, Amazon usually sends an email, requiring you to appeal and resume link sales according to the email prompts.

③ The product is reviewed and removed from the shelves. Dangerous goods audit, category audit, qualification certification audit. When we released some products, we didn't have relevant product experience, and then the system didn't prompt us to need relevant audit. After a period of time, Amazon detected these products, and will remove them from the shelf and send an email to you to conduct these audits. You can collect and sort out the data according to the email prompts.

2. The product image is deleted

① The first picture of the product was uploaded against the rules. Now Amazon system detects that it contains words (such as 2 packs), logos, pictures, watermarks that are not allowed to appear in the first picture of the product, or the first picture does not use a white background as required. Then, Amazon banned the display of the first picture, because the loss of the main picture caused a decline in sales. This problem can be solved by uploading the first picture of compliance.

② Product pictures (including the first picture) were reported by competitors for violation or infringement, and some pictures were deleted by Amazon, resulting in a decline in sales of incomplete pictures. After checking the pictures, verify the reasons for removal from the shelf, and communicate with the Artist to reorganize and upload the pictures.

Some people may say that my pictures were taken by myself, but if a competitor uploads your product pictures on an independent website, and then reports your picture infringement with an independent website link, you probably want your pictures to be deleted.

In this case, you need to take the original picture taken by your camera to appeal; If you just use competitive pictures and are reported to delete them, you should reflect deeply. Amazon attaches great importance to intellectual property protection. Therefore, we must not take chances.

3. The shopping cart is lost

① A sudden drop in sales caused by the loss of shopping carts due to excessive price increases.

The operation took the initiative to raise the product price too much, resulting in the loss of the shopping cart, or the listing set a sale price expiration, but the gap between the price and the Sales Price is large, and the restoration of the original price after the expiration passively caused a large price increase and the loss of the shopping cart. At this time, the price adjustment should be reduced.

② The shopping cart is lost due to the following low price selling.

In this case, you need to pay attention to whether someone is following you. You can delete the follow-up link by yourself through timely complaints about fake goods, Test Buy, participation in the transparency plan and zero plan. We can't keep an eye on the computer, we can monitor it through various software. Many software are not recommended here.

4. Add on Item tag

Some sellers will adopt the low price spiral strategy in order to quickly obtain the market. Add on Items are products that are low in price and delivered by Amazon. Amazon has set such a sign to ensure that there are profits to be made.

If Amazon detects that a product is priced much lower than the market price, it will label it as an Add on Item. It means that when you buy this product, you need to buy it together with other products, and you can collect 25 dollars to deliver it.

In this case, the buyer must be unwilling to buy. As a result, sales will also drop sharply. If your product is labeled with this label, you can try to adjust the price. Generally, products over $10 will not be labeled with this label.

5. Listing adjustment is too large

Listing has weight, and excessive changes will affect the weight. Our operations need to optimize listing frequently. However, I do not recommend that you make drastic changes to the title, keywords and five point description when optimizing. Optimization is fine-tuning, not rewriting; In addition, for the first time, we should try to fill in as much as possible. Our optimization focus is on the supplement and improvement of parameters and fine tuning of local content.

6. Split Merge Variants

Splitting and merging variants is a common task of Amazon's daily operations. When a variant has too many poor comments, we will split it from the variant; When we want to add favorable comments, we will merge the same product with different attributes into a parent-child variant in the background to share comments.

However, when we split and merge variants, sometimes the five point descriptions, keywords, attributes and other information of the merged or split good products are lost. If you do not find them in time, the sales will drop sharply because of the imperfect information of lisitng. In addition, even if the information is not lost, because the system needs to re capture the split and merge variants, because of the time difference, the sales will suddenly decline in a short time.

7. Replace product category

In the operation process, the same product may have cross categories, and multiple sub categories can be released. Some small categories have larger market capacity, while others have smaller market capacity.

Some sellers will choose the small category with the smallest market capacity to publish when they first publish, so that they can enter the list easily and enjoy category traffic; When the link runs to the head, because the market capacity of this sub category is relatively small, it may enter the head after less than 30 orders, and then encounter the traffic ceiling; So it was changed to a small category with relatively large market capacity.

Changing the category will cause the listing information to be captured by Amazon again. If there is no category ranking, there will be a sudden drop in sales. This situation usually lasts for two days and then gets better. If it doesn't improve all the time, you can try to change back to the original category.

8. Category node missing/system misplaced category node

① The loss of category nodes caused a sudden drop in sales. Some of our products have been selling well all the time. Suddenly, when we talked about the sales volume reaching single digits, we found that the category ranking was lost. At this time, we need to quickly open a case to explain the situation to the customer service, and Amazon will add nodes to you. Remember, nodes can only be added by Amazon.

② The system misplaces product categories. We uploaded the product to the correct category, but Amazon changed it to another unrelated category after a while.

In this case, we can contact Amazon to make changes before April 2021, but Amazon will not make changes now. After contacting Amazon many times, the customer service reply is divided by the system according to the Amazon buyer's search and purchase habits, and cannot be changed. You can contact a reliable service provider.

9. Listing is downgraded

If you find that the sales volume has been stable and the link has not been taken off the shelf before, and suddenly the sales volume has gone down, you should consider whether it is because listing has been demoted.

① Your recent comments have not moved or been deleted a lot. This means that your manipulation comments (evaluation, illegal merge variants) have been monitored by Amazon. Although no email or performance notice has been received, your authority has been secretly downgraded. Amazon will reduce your traffic.

② The performance of products in the new product period has been poor. After the new product period, Amazon will reduce your weight, reduce your traffic, and give traffic to other similar new products. So the new product period is only two months. We must seize the opportunity.

③ The sharp increase in sales results in the decline of link rights. The link that usually performs poorly or has just been launched suddenly rises, which does not conform to the normal sales growth curve. Amazon will pay special attention to you, either by reducing the right to restrain traffic or by surging sales resulting in store closure complaints. The probability of encountering such a situation is not very high. Don't be afraid, as long as you are compliant, it is easy to appeal. Explain the reason why your links can grow rapidly, and ensure that you comply with the rules of the Amazon platform.

10. Too many negative comments

This sudden drop in sales is very serious. You get several bad reviews a day, making your product score directly lower than 4.0, which has a particularly serious impact on new products. If several consecutive comments are on the home page, the customer will see this situation, the conversion rate will drop significantly, and your sales will also drop sharply.

In this case, you should give customers a retro pay or refund as soon as possible through the comment management function in the brand. Apologize sincerely, and customers may change your comments, but you must not mention any words related to bad comments, otherwise Amazon will judge you to manipulate comments, ranging from warning to closing the store. If you really can't solve it, you can find a reliable evaluation to make up some good comments.

If your performance is too good and you are maliciously criticized by the competing products, you can check whether most of the buyer's Amazon profile pages are bad, and then complain to Amazon; If there is no evidence, there will be a lot of bad comments. Please renovate and start again. After all, there is no cure for malicious competition.

11. Seasonal/festive products

This is easy to understand. For example, the demand for fans in the Northern Hemisphere will drop sharply in October; Flowers for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and other festivals will be purchased less after the festival. Therefore, seasonal products are not recommended.

12. Listing is merged into a variant by other sellers

We don't see much of this. In order to increase sales, some sellers will follow you by creating a link A, and then re create a new link B and A to merge and wipe your traffic. This kind of situation is rare, so you can understand it. In this case, we will report the abuse of variants unswervingly.

After talking about the reasons and countermeasures for the decline of listing sales, what kind of link do you belong to?

(Source: Cross border Migration Palace)

The above contents belong to the author's personal views and do not represent Hugo's cross-border position! This article is reproduced with the authorization of the original author. Reproduction requires the authorization of the original author.

(Source: Cross border Migration Palace)

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