BD_PC Ranking

BD_PC Ranking

According to the domain name and keyword query, the retrieval time, keyword ranking (number of pages - number of items), page title, and page link address of keywords under Baidu search engine are obtained. The ranking only returns the data of the top 50, which is not reflected after 50. (There is a phenomenon of non local ranking in the ranking, and it is not guaranteed that the data is 100% consistent with the query IP)
Price: ¥0
Delivery method: API
Payment mode:
Pay as you go
Package specification:
0 yuan/10 times (free experience)
200 yuan/40000 times (≈ 0.005 yuan/time)
800 yuan/200000 times (≈ 0.004 yuan/time)
1200 yuan/400000 times (≈ 0.003 yuan/time)
56 million yuan/2 million times (≈ 0.0028 yuan/time)
Service life:
1 year
 01 High quality data Detailed documentation
 02 Professional test Guaranteed quality
 03 Online Service Timely support
Interface address:
Return format: JSON
Request method: GET
Request parameters:
domain string yes Domain name obtained, such as
keyword string yes Key words obtained, such as webmaster
APIKey string yes APIKey value obtained during interface application
ChinazVer string yes API version number, value: 1.0
Return parameter description:
StateCode int Status code
Reason string Status description
SiteCount long Volume
RankStr string Ranking (number of pages - number of entries)
Title string title
Url string Title Link
XiongzhangID string Bear's paw ID (no longer return)
Example of correct return:
 copy copy
Example of error return:
 copy copy
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