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Do you pay attention to scanning WeChat and adding friends? Official: It can be switched between silks

2024-05-23 14:54 · Source: Home of webmaster

Message from webmaster's home (ChinaZ. com) on May 23: Recently, on the Internet“ WeChat scan add friends Are you particular? "The discussion was extremely enthusiastic, like a simple act of adding friends, with countless social etiquette And techniques. So, in addition WeChat friends When I sweep you or you sweep me? WeChat official answered this question for us and provided practical Operation Guide

First of all, when both parties have opened the function of sweeping, there is no need to tangle too much. Just click "My QR Code" at the bottom left to quickly display your WeChat QR code for scanning. Conversely, if both parties have opened the QR code page, they can also switch to scanning mode by clicking "Scan" at the bottom left to easily add each other as friends.

 Add WeChat friends: I sweep you or you sweep me! WeChat: There is a lot of knowledge here

More interestingly, WeChat also takes into account how we should respond when we are not sure whether the other party will choose to scan or be scanned. At this time, just long press the WeChat icon, and then click "Scan" or "My QR Code" quickly after the other party has made a clear choice.

 Add WeChat friends: I sweep you or you sweep me! WeChat: There is a lot of knowledge here

Of course, if you are in the chat interface at this time, don't worry. Just click the "+" sign in the upper right corner, select "Add Friend", and then operate according to the other party's selection.


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