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OpenAI is alleged to use the voice of Hollywood actress Scarlett without permission or face legal consequences

2024-05-23 09:25 · Source: Home of webmaster


OpenAI The developed ChatGPT assistant's voice is very similar to that of Scarlett Johnson, which may violate the portrait right law.

Legal experts pointed out that Scarlett Johnson has the right to appeal to the portrait right law, and OpenAI may face legal proceedings.

OpenAI has suspended the use of similar sounds, but may still face legal disputes.

Message from webmaster's home (ChinaZ. com) on May 23: Intellectual property experts pointed out that the assistant voice of the updated version of ChatGPT recently displayed by OpenAI has attracted attention because it is similar to Scarlett Johnson's voice, especially the AI assistant she played in the film "Her".

 wave audio

Note to image source: the image is generated by AI and authorized by Midjournal

Legal experts said that Scarlett Johnson and other celebrities can invoke the portrait right law to protect their personal characteristics from unauthorized use. They also pointed out that there had been successful cases of similar voices in commercial advertisements before, which may have an impact on AI voice cloning. However, due to the lack of federal laws on portrait rights, different laws and regulations in different states have aggravated the complexity of legal disputes.

Although OpenAI did not explicitly mention Scarlett Johnson, consumers have pointed out the similarities. Scarlett Johnson said that she had hired legal counsel to draft the letter, asking OpenAI to explain how the voice of the Sky Assistant was created. OpenAI said it didn't mean to make Sky sound like Scarlett Johnson, but experts pointed out that some comments made by the company's CEO might exacerbate the problem.

OpenAI has suspended the use of the voice of Sky, but if it is re enabled in the future and still similar to Scarlett Johnson, it may cause more legal disputes. Legal experts warned OpenAI that Scarlett Johnson is a well-known person who is keen to defend her rights, and she will not easily let go of infringement.


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