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Under the doomsday filter, real people and AI fools are indistinguishable netizens: AI has reached this level?

2024-05-22 14:26 · Source: Home of webmaster

Message from webmaster's home (ChinaZ. com) on May 22: On May 16, the dithering blogger "Call Quickly" released a graphic video, showing a lifelike doomsday game filter, which caused heated discussion and widespread concern among netizens. In the video, he uses AI Special effects The generated image is compared with the original image of the real person, and the effect is so realistic that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. At present, the video has reached 170000 likes on dithering, and 24000 forwards, becoming the historical data representation of "quick call" best A piece of work of.



Compared with the earlier popular clay Special effects And the Sims Special effects Doomsday filter Special effects Of maximum It is characterized by its lifelike effect, which makes it difficult for netizens to distinguish whether the image is real or AI generated. A netizen commented:

"I don't know which one is real."

"After reading the comments, I knew that the person in front was not real."

"No, I thought it was a comparison of P figure before and after."

The blogger "Quick Call" has set up a production tutorial in the comment area, which details the end of using the Meitu Xiuxiu App Special effects Method. The user only needs to enter the application and find "AI Painting" in "Creative Play" to generate a static filter picture. In order to make still pictures move, the blogger also uses the AI moving picture function of Wink, a mobile video creation tool.


During the production process, the blogger also shared some skills. For example, AI can't recognize some waste soil clothing, so it needs to provide pictures of people in bright and dark environments to generate better effects. The blogger emphasized that the quality of the uploaded original image is crucial to the final effect, so select the appropriate original image and Special effects Only by matching optimum Visual effect of.


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