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JD employees respond to the press boycott 618: just want to benefit consumers

2024-05-22 11:04 · Source: Home of webmaster

Message from webmaster's home (ChinaZ. com) on May 22: Recently, a talk about Book sales The controversy over discount has caused waves in the publishing industry and the Internet. 56 publishing houses jointly voiced their opposition to JD's sale of books at a price as low as 20% to 30% during the upcoming 618 promotion. The publishing house believes that this discount has reached the bottom line of book costs, posing a serious threat to the long-term development of the publishing house.

 Publishing houses boycott 618 and urge JD employees to speak: just want to benefit consumers

However, the staff of JD's book purchasing and marketing department expressed different views on this. A front-line employee in charge of interfacing with major publishing houses spoke on social media and frankly said that it was not easy for him to be involved. He said that he just wanted to bring books to consumers at lower prices and create more profits for partners in a way of small profits but quick turnover. He questioned: "Have we really done wrong? Why are publishers so angry?"


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