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Baidu Releases Comate Code Knowledge Enhancement 2.0 Built in 10000+Github Popular Code Base

2024-05-22 08:20 · Source: Home of webmaster

Message from webmaster's home (ChinaZ. com) on May 22: Recently, Baidu released Baidu Smart Code Assistant Comate's newest Results—— Comate code knowledge enhancement 2.0。

It is built based on Baidu Wenxin's big model Code intelligent completion And recommendation tools, which can be Deep learning and natural language processing Technology, real-time parsing of developers' programming intent, automatic recommendation optimum Code snippets and library functions. Built in more than 10000 Github popular code bases, covering various languages and technology stacks, so that developers can easily master various excellent frameworks, such as Spring, Mybatteries, FastAPI, React, etc newest AI frameworks such as AutoGPT, Langchain, etc.

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Comate2.0's three advantages are particularly striking. First of all, it supports comprehensive retrieval and Q&A, enabling developers to quickly obtain explanations of specific businesses in the open source framework, providing strong support for mastering source code logic and improving programming skills. Secondly, Comate2.0 supports online web retrieval, which can be obtained in real time newest Technical knowledge, analyze and give answers to complex problems through large models. This not only accelerates the acquisition of knowledge, but also makes programming more efficient. Finally, given the API link, Comate2.0 can automatically generate calling code and corresponding test cases, greatly improving the quality and efficiency of the code.

After entering the code knowledge enhancement 2.0 phase, Comate provides all-round support for different scenarios such as code writing, learning, interview and testing. In the code writing scenario, Comate can retrieve newest The technology implements and generates the framework code, and assists in modification based on the user's existing code. In the test scenario, Comate can retrieve code fragments that meet the requirements according to the test description entered by the user, and generate complete automated test code through the large model.

At present, Comate has supported in-depth understanding of local code base and private domain knowledge within the organization, such as business interface documents, product requirements documents, etc. By comprehensively mastering the context of the programming site and the full link of business/project/service R&D, Comate can generate more business specific and targeted use and test code.

Comate2.0 now provides IDE plug-in download and web side online experience on the official website. Public data shows that 27% of Baidu's daily new codes have been automatically generated by Comate, and the overall adoption rate has reached 46%.


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