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Tencent video ads can be exchanged for "Celebrating the Second Anniversary" for viewing duration: no membership

2024-05-21 20:41 · Source: Fast technology

On May 21, it was reported by many domestic media that many netizens had posted In Tencent video APP, you can get VIP viewing time and watch content such as Celebrating the Second Anniversary.

Tencent video customer service said that there was indeed an activity that would take 60 minutes to watch a VIP movie while watching an advertisement. The user should not be a VIP. It was unclear whether the activity was open to all users and whether the content was limited.

It is understood that "Celebrating the Second Anniversary" was created by Tencent Video Whole network For exclusive broadcast, members will update 2 episodes at 19:30 from Monday to Friday, and 1 episode will be updated at 19:30 on Saturday and Sunday. SVIP users can watch 1 episode first.

This also means that Tencent Video SVIP should watch one more episode than VIP. If Tencent Video members want to watch the same number of episodes, they need to upgrade to SVIP.

Some insiders said that the problem of VIP dolls may have damaged the rights and interests of consumers. They originally bought senior Consumers of member services feel misled and unfair.

Consumers expect clear rights and services when they purchase member services, while VIP doll behavior may undermine consumers' trust in the platform and affect user experience.


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