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The price list of the big model of byte beating beanbag was announced: prepaid/postpaid mode was adopted from 25 yuan

2024-05-21 10:40 · Source: Home of webmaster

Message from webmaster's home (ChinaZ. com) on May 21: Byte bounce Subordinate Volcanic engine The official website recently Big model of bean curd The pricing of the model has been updated. The selling prices of different versions and specifications of the model are listed in detail. The starting price is only 25 yuan. This update comprehensively demonstrated the advantages of the general model of bean curd in terms of cost performance, especially its main model, pro-32k. Compared with other models in the industry, the price dropped by an astonishing 99%. At the same time, the TPM (the number of Tokens processed per minute) reached 2.7 to 8 times that of models of the same specification, demonstrating its outstanding Performance value ratio

 99% lower than the industry! Price list of big model of byte beating beanbag announced: from 25 yuan

Doubao Large Model, formerly known as“ lark ”, as one of the first large models to be filed through algorithms in China, has become the domestic usage maximum One of the most widely used large-scale models. The model can process up to 120 billion Tokens of text every day, and can generate 30 million pictures, proving its powerful processing ability.

The Doubao big model family includes a variety of members, such as Pro, Lite, role playing model, speech synthesis model, voice reproduction model, speech recognition model, Wensheng diagram model and Function Call model, to meet the needs of different users. In terms of billing mode, the general model of bean curd adopts a flexible post payment mode, which calculates fees according to the actual number of Tokens used. For models with 32k and below window versions, the current limiting standards are 10K RPM (requests per minute) and 800K TPM. This standard is far superior to other mainstream models in China, ensuring that the business needs of enterprise customers are met.

 99% lower than the industry! Price list of big model of byte beating beanbag announced: from 25 yuan

For the long text model, the pro and lite128k versions of the general model of Doubao also perform well. The current limiting of its model is 1K RPM and 400K TPM, greatly surpassing other models of the same specification in China. In addition, the Volcano Engine also provides a prepaid model. Enterprises can purchase TPM quotas for specific models without paying for the consumption of Tokens, so that they can plan their computing power in advance for the traffic fluctuations that enterprises may face.

Volcano Engine emphasized that the goal of the big model of Doubao is to provide customers with flexible and economical payment options, meet the needs of different enterprises through the two billing methods of post payment and pre payment, help enterprises use the big model at a very low cost, and promote the wide application and implementation of the big model.


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