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Lei Jun's imitator "Lei Min" has been renamed and all videos related to imitating Lei Jun have been deleted

2024-05-20 08:06 · Source: Home of webmaster

Message from webmaster's home (ChinaZ. com) on May 20: One used to Imitate Lei Jun Recently, the account "Lei Min", which has attracted much attention, has been officially renamed as“ Minzi ”, and deleted all and imitations Lei Jun Relevant video content.

 WeChat screenshot _20240520080723.png

Since May 2, the short video of "Lei Min" has been characterized by a high degree of restoration of Lei Jun's image. From clothing to hairstyle to demeanor, all efforts have been made to present Lei Jun himself Extremely high Similarity of. The background music of one of the videos is Lei Jun's classic "Are you ok?", which makes people laugh.

However, as time went by, Lei Min realized that although imitation could bring temporary attention, it was not a long-term solution. So he changed his account name to "Minzi" and deleted all imitation videos.

Previously, For this imitation, Short video platform The customer service said that if investigated, it may constitute a crime against others portraiture right Or the infringement of privacy requires the parties to file infringement complaints.


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