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The revenue of Bilibili in the second quarter was 4.9 billion yuan, and the average daily active users reached 83.5 million

2022-09-08 20:15 · Source: Home of webmaster

Message from webmaster's home (ChinaZ. com) on September 8: Bili Bili Launch Q2 today Financial statements The financial report shows that the revenue of Bilibili in the second quarter was 4.9 billion yuan, up 9% year on year.

 Station B

The game revenue was 1.046 billion yuan, 1.233 billion yuan in the same period last year; The value-added service revenue was 2.1 billion yuan, up 29% year on year; Advertising revenue was 1.158 billion yuan, up 10% year on year; E-commerce and other revenues were 601 million yuan, up 4% year on year. Station B The third quarter revenue is expected to be 5.6 billion yuan to 5.8 billion yuan.

The net loss of Bilibili in the second quarter was 2.01 billion yuan, compared with 1.12 billion yuan in the same period last year. In the second quarter, the average daily active users (DAUs) reached 83.5 million, up 33% year on year; Monthly active users (MAUs) reached 305.7 million, up 29% year on year; The average monthly paid users (MPU) reached 27.5 million, up 32% year on year.


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