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Gather the strength of youth to activate the "red kinetic energy" of enterprises
Published on: May 31, 2023

In May, the temperature in Lake City soared to 35 ℃. Although the heat wave hit, it did not stop the enthusiasm of the crowd to "march forward".

In order to give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, pool the strength of young employees, and let the corporate culture take root, on May 28, Xiangpiaopiao held the first trailblazing activity, "Xiangpiaopiao has been going for 18 years, and I will have my 'perseverance'." More than 100 Xiangpiaopiao people started from the heat of Renhuangshan in Huzhou, and went through the birthplace of the first cup of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea: the old factory site of Qingfang Road, and the two factories of brewing and instant drinking, The journey is 8 kilometers.

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"This is not only a path of perseverance, but also a microcosm of Xiangpiaopiao's development. It records the process of Xiangpiaopiao's growing and growing all the way." Elsa, general manager of Xiangpiaopiao Product Innovation Center, said in her opening speech.

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In 2005, Xiangpiaopiao was established in Huzhou, taking the lead in creating a new category of cup packed milk tea. Today, Xiangpiaopiaopiao has taken root in Huzhou, taking Huzhou as the starting point, going to all parts of the country and overseas markets, and becoming a well-known national milk tea.

As an excellent private enterprise, Xiangpiaopiao attaches great importance to party building. Since the establishment of Xiangpiaopiaopiao Party Committee, the enterprise has not only built the position of Party building in different regions, but also made Party building a booster of corporate culture. It also gave full play to the leading role of party building and actively carried out party building activities with enterprise characteristics, such as visiting the red base, taking the road of party history again, and carrying out ideological education and publicity.

At the important moment of the July 1st Party Day, Xiangpiaopiao all party members and comrades walked into Lin'an Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall, Anjiyu Village, the birthplace of the "two mountains" theory, and other places to carry out Red Party Day activities, deeply understand the history of the Communist Party, remember the original intention of joining the Party, and effectively enhance the historical sense of mission and responsibility of enterprise party members and cadres.

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In order to welcome the Asian Games, Xiangpiaopiao also gave full play to the pioneering and exemplary role of Party members and actively participated in the series of activities of the Asian Games. Not long ago, the enterprise cooperated with the basic level committee of Gongshu District of the Agriculture and Labor Party to carry out the fun sports meeting and the Xiangpiaopiao donation ceremony of "One Heart, One Team, Building the Asian Games Together", which not only demonstrated the uplifting spirit of the party members, but also gathered youth strength for Hangzhou to be a good "host" of the Asian Games.

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Nowadays, only by integrating the construction of the Party into the process of enterprise development can we improve the core competitiveness of enterprises. As the leader of cup milk tea in China, Xiangpiaopiao sticks to the development line of leading business around the party building and consolidating the party building business, laying the foundation for the sustainable development of the enterprise and providing guarantee for the construction of the core culture of the enterprise.

It is believed that in the future, Xiangpiaopiao will continue to transform the advantages of party building into development advantages, transform the vitality of the party organization into the vitality of enterprises, and inject "red kinetic energy" into the high-quality development of enterprises.