Ancestors from Hou'an Village, Mailiao Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan go back to the original hometown of Shishi to seek their roots and pay homage to their ancestors

21:40, June 16, 2024

"Welcome all the relatives back home to visit their relatives and reminisce about the past." On June 16, 11 people from Hou'an Village, Mailiao Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan attended the 12th "homonymous village · heart to heart" fellowship activity of the 16th Straits Forum Accompanied by the leaders of the Taiwan Compatriots Association in Shishi City, the Hanjiang Town Government and the relatives of Hou'an Village in Hanjiang, they returned to Hou'an Village to carry out a trip to the original hometown of their ancestors, seeking their roots, paying homage to their ancestors, and sharing feelings.

At 10:15 a.m., Taiwan relatives and their entourage got off the bus and went to Jinjiang Lin's Ancestral Temple without stopping. At the plaque awarding ceremony, the relatives of Hou'an Village, Mailiao Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan presented a plaque with the title of "Cautiousness and Pursuit of the Future" to Mr. Lin Weizhu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Jinjiang Lin's Ancestral Temple.

In fact, every year, Taiwan's Lin, Wang and other relatives travel thousands of miles to Hanjiang Village to seek their roots, visit their ancestors, hold discussions and exchange, and carry out fellowship activities. According to genealogy records, the Lin family in Hanjiang was one of the pioneers who explored Taiwan Island. According to the three remaining genealogies, 177 people migrated to Taiwan. Now it has multiplied and thrived, becoming a distinguished family. There are villages (corners) such as "Hou'an" and "Xiajing" in both Taiwan and Hanjiang. Now, Jinjiang Lin's Ancestral Temple at No. 73, Hengyuan Community, Hou'an Village, Hanjiang has become a platform for the descendants of Hou'an Village, Mailiao Township, Taiwan to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors. In the Ancestral Temple, they have found the most precious blood memories, and they have continued their strong nostalgia.     

At the scene of the forum, the relatives of the two places felt like old friends at first sight. "Our ancestors in Hou'an Village, Mailiao Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan were separated from the Lin's Ancestral Temple in Jinjiang, and now they have developed to the 24th generation." Mr. Xu, head of the exchange delegation of Hou'an Village, Mailiao Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan, who participated in the "Village of the Same Name, Heart to Heart" activity, said that for a long time, the two places have kept in touch with each other and exchanged religious beliefs. The members of this trip to the ancestral hometown include both 87 year old relatives who return to their hometown every year and the younger generation.

"With the help of the platform set up by the 12th Straits Forum's' Village of the Same Name, Heart to Heart 'activity, I returned to Hou'an Village, Hanjiang, my hometown, to visit and pay homage to my ancestors, and I got a lot." Mr. Wen, 38, came to Hou'an Village, Hanjiang for the first time with the delegation. He said that he would always visit relatives in Hou'an Village of Hanjiang when he had time in the future, and would do his part to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, enhance the cohesion of the relatives across the Taiwan Straits, and promote economic and cultural exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan through various channels.

It is reported that the "homonymous village · heart to heart" fellowship activity was guided by the All China Taiwan Compatriots Friendship Association, hosted by Fujian Taiwan Compatriots Friendship Association, and Taiwan's Fujian Taiwan Homonymous Village Exchange Center. It has been successfully held for eleven times before.

(Lan Liangzeng, reporter of Shishi Rong Media Center, Yan Huajie reports)