Help digital talents to move forward with "three hearts"

10:26, April 25, 2024

Recently, nine departments including the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the Action Plan for Accelerating the Cultivation of Digital Talents to Support the Development of the Digital Economy (2024-2026), which proposed that we should stick to the needs of digital industrialization and industrial digital development, and solidly carry out special actions such as digital talent education, introduction, retention, and use, and strive to create a team with a large scale, good quality, and optimized structure A reasonably distributed high-level digital talent team will better support the high-quality development of the digital economy. The organization department should accurately grasp the "time" and "trend", accurately control the "quantity" and "demand", do a good job in the "smart word signboard" of digital talents with the "three hearts", set up the "growth ladder" of digital talents, and activate the "spring water" of digital talents.

We will try our best to attract talents and play a good role in digital talents. "The country is built with talents, the government is governed with talents, and the industry is prospered with talents". In the digital era, the "supply" and "demand" of digital technology talents are gradually being paid attention to. Therefore, the organization department should adhere to the principle of "gathering talents through research and gathering talents through production" when recruiting talents. In combination with the development needs of digital talents, it should strive to solve the problem of "attracting" and try its best to play the "smart word signboard" of digital talents. On the one hand, the organization department should adhere to the target introduction, based on the development direction, technology needs, and people's expectations, cooperate with major universities to carry out "order cultivation" oriented drainage, and accurately introduce "high, precision, and cutting-edge" characteristic professionals. On the other hand, we should adhere to the policy of attracting talents, vigorously implement the plan of "attracting young talents to build nests", provide entrepreneurial space, financing support, project funding and other supporting policies for talents, and attract "phoenix habitat" by planting "phoenix trees". We should take multiple measures to expand channels, widely attract all kinds of digital talents for innovation and entrepreneurship, and make the talent "living signboard" with local characteristics bigger and stronger, so as to provide strong talent support for high-quality development of the digital economy.

Cultivate talents with heart and set up a "growth ladder" for digital talents. "Those who want to be the elders of wood must consolidate their roots". Talent cultivation is the "power source" and "direction indicator" of social development. As the current digital talent cultivation is characterized by rapid development and difficult technology, the organization department should abandon "old ideas" and "old ideas", constantly break through the bottleneck of "education", and set up a "growth ladder" for digital talents. The organization department should first plan the digital talent training plan in a forward-looking manner, adhere to the "long chain" and "full coverage" diversified integration cultivation, and then improve the digital talent and digital enterprise exclusive skills training system, carry out training regularly, seize the "golden period" of talent development, and then carry out a skills contest mechanism to stimulate the "positive inner volume" of talent, Only by promoting the vitality of talents to burst out, can we finally realize the beautiful blueprint of everyone becoming talents and making full use of their talents. Carry out all-round talent cultivation, guide talents to constantly consolidate their business level, set up a "growth ladder" for talent cultivation, and make digital talents shine in the "front-line stage".

Keep talents wholeheartedly and activate the "spring water" of digital talents. "Talent acquisition leads to prosperity, while talent loss leads to decline". How to do a good job in the "second half of the article" of talent introduction is the top priority of digital talent development. Therefore, the organization department should make efforts from multiple perspectives, constantly innovate various "talent retention" measures, give talent a "sense of security", and wholeheartedly activate the "spring pool" of digital talent. To improve the digital talent service system, we should start with material security, spiritual pursuit, and broad vision, focus on the "first demand" outside of digital talent work, and provide all-round and perfect "one-stop" services in terms of material aspects such as children's enrollment, spouse employment, and medical security, so as to make the talent root "stronger"; Actively carry out spiritual construction activities such as digital talent exchange tea party and sharing meeting, so as to make the talent root "longer"; Employ state-owned enterprises, colleges and universities, scientific research institutes and other industry leaders to create the best team of consultants and ensure that talent achievements are "flourishing". We will strive to create a "pleasant and distant" employment environment, solve the worries about talent development, and wholeheartedly activate the "spring water" of digital talents to protect the digital economy. (Author: Wang Xialin)