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Never fade Lei Feng

2024-03-04 15:36:43 Source: Xinhua News Agency Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

The story of a 22-year-old PLA soldier

Has been praised by people for more than half a century

A common name

But let hundreds of millions of hearts resonate at the same frequency


Lei Feng was born in Wangcheng, Hunan

After the founding of New China

He went into the bright classroom

Learn scientific and cultural knowledge

Growing up gradually under the care of the Party

↑ Young Pioneer Lei Feng

In response to the call to support Ansteel

Young Lei Feng starts from Hunan

I went north to Liaoning and worked as a bulldozer

↑ In February 1959, the crane group in the coal washing workshop of Angang Iron and Steel Group, where Lei Feng is located, was rated as the Red Flag Group. This is a group photo of Lei Feng (second from the right in the back row) and his co-workers.


Lei Feng puts on his military uniform

Become a soldier of the Republic

↑ Lei Feng (third from left) is introducing fuel saving experience to comrades in arms.

In the melting pot of the army

He is tempered into steel

Hard work

Enthusiastic help in life

Has established the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly

Joined the Communist Party of China with honor

↑ Lei Feng was employed as an off campus instructor in a primary school. He taught children not to forget the glorious tradition of hard work.

↑ Lei Feng (left) is helping his comrades to sew quilts.

August 15, 1962

Lei Feng died on duty

Only 22 years old

Although his life is short

But it has affected countless people

Lei Feng's spirit has also been infected and educated

Generation after generation of Chinese

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