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Wei Ming, "a model in northern Xinjiang": "I want to practice Lei Feng's spirit all my life"

2024-02-23 09:50:20 Source: China News Network Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

China News Network reporter Zhang Linhu

When meeting Wei Ming at the "Veteran Wei Ming Studio" in the military district community in the new urban area of Hohhot, he was talking with the community staff in detail about what voluntary services to do for children in the coming winter vacation.

Only when you are young can you know that you are the people

Wei Ming, born in 1945, joined the army in the same year as Comrade Lei Feng. He also took Lei Feng as an example in his life.

The picture shows Wei Ming. Liang Liang's drawings

Wei Ming first learned from Lei Feng to do good deeds when he was a platoon leader. He and the projectionist helped an old lady with small feet who was blind. They took turns to carry the old man to his home safely, which opened his way to learn from Lei Feng.

Dong Peiying, who is over 50 years old, spent 23 years with Wei Ming's help. On November 11, 1996, Dong Peiying received a notice early in the morning that a comrade from the military region would come to visit him. This was the first time Dong Peiying met Wei Ming.

Wei Ming's eyes moistened when he saw the Dong Peiying family standing in front of the house made of iron sheet, two children wearing adult shoes with open toe, and the room only had a few quilts and a water tank.

The picture shows Wei Ming in his speech. Liang Liang's drawings

"In the future, Grandpa will subsidize you 200 yuan a month and send it to you every month until you graduate from high school," Wei Ming said to the two children.

In the twinkling of an eye, Dong Peiying's two children have both married. Wei Ming is the chief wedding person of their wedding. The guests spontaneously put up glasses and lined up to propose a toast to Wei Ming.

On August 1, 2013, the son of herdsman Su Lina became insane after the high school entrance examination. She "searched" on the Internet to Wei Ming, a national outstanding volunteer, for help. Facing the mother and son, Wei Ming mortgaged the hitchhiker numbered 001 of "Leading by Love" to the hospital, so that the child could be treated in time, recovered and discharged.

Sparks need to be linked

In 2005, Wei Ming retired honorably. After retirement, he overcame physical injuries, insisted on public lectures and spread positive energy.

Nowadays, Wei Ming puts more energy into volunteering for minors. He often tells children stories about the Party and Lei Feng's deeds, or takes students into the community to volunteer during holidays. "Children are hope, and the spark needs to be inherited," Wei Ming said.

The picture shows Wei Ming giving a speech to children. Liang Liang's drawings

Wei Ming always pays special attention to the children and makes full preparations for every public service speech.

In Wei Ming's speech, "mother's teachings" is most often mentioned by him. "I still remember my father's mantra, 'Don't be late, don't take other people's things, don't bully people', and also don't forget my mother's words to me, 'Don't eat disgusting things, don't do illegal things'. Good family style is the most eye-catching' background 'in my life The positive energy of love is transmitted to more people.

"Now children's material life is more abundant than when we were young, so we should pay more attention to their spiritual world. To be rich is not only to give what we want, but also to buy what we lack. It is to make children's spiritual life rich and learn to help others." Wei Ming said that Lei Feng's spirit cannot be "broken".

The picture shows Wei Ming interacting with children at the speech scene. Liang Liang's drawings

Lei Feng's Spirit Continues

Taking care of prisoners' children, helping children with financial difficulties to complete their studies, being an off campus counselor, paying for medicine for strangers, setting up a downwind motorcade... To count Wei Ming's deeds, it may not be a big event, but it is warm enough.

"I help others, not to let others say I am good, but to let the masses say the Communist Party is good," Wei Ming wrote in his diary.

In the past 60 years, Wei Ming has done countless good deeds and won many honors one after another.

The picture shows that Wei Ming (first from the right) was awarded the title of "Northern Xinjiang Model". Liang Liang's drawings

"National Outstanding Volunteer", "The Fifth Moral Model of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region", "The Outstanding Communist Party Member of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region", "The First Most Beautiful Retired Soldier of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region", "The First Top Ten Social Celebrities of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region"... Recently, Wei Ming was awarded the title of "Northern Xinjiang Model" by the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

"A volunteer is a handful of soil, but it is not small. Countless soil will gather together to form a mountain peak and a mountain range. Such peaks and mountains can change the direction of the wind and determine the flow rate of water. This wind is the social ethos, and this water is the process of civilization." Wei Ming said. (End)

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