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The value of Chinese excellent traditional culture is condensed -- in memory of the 60th anniversary of Mao Zedong and other older revolutionaries' inscription on Lei Feng ②

2023-08-03 09:37:34 Source: New Hunan Review Author: Font: Small Chinese Large

Sixty years ago, Mao Zedong and other older revolutionaries wrote an inscription for Comrade Lei Feng, making "Lei Feng Spirit" like a warm spring breeze blowing across China. Today, "Lei Feng" is still a great monument and value benchmark in the spiritual world of the Chinese people.

"Those who fall into reality think of their trees, and those who drink from their streams cherish their source." Lei Feng's spirit is not a water without a source or a tree without roots. Its essence is to inherit and carry forward the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation, and its spiritual concept is integrated with the excellent traditional culture of China and comes down in one continuous line. The cultural affiliation and value recognition rooted in the hearts of every Chinese people irrigated and nurtured the ideal seed in Lei Feng's heart, and finally yielded the spiritual fruits of "Lei Feng Spirit" under the practice of socialist revolution and construction.

The Chinese nation is a nation with a profound historical and cultural tradition. In the process of thousands of years of civilization development, the Chinese nation has evolved such noble moral qualities as the world is public, the people are the foundation of the country, the government is moral, the reform of the old and the innovation of the new, the appointment of people on merit, the unity of heaven and man, self-improvement, virtue, faithfulness, good neighborliness, etc. Lei Feng's words and deeds, All of them are deeply influenced by these profound moral consciousness and values.

"Devote your whole life and energy to the cause of human liberation - communism", which is consistent with the family and country ideal of "the journey of the road, the world is public"; "Devoting limited life to unlimited service for the people" shows the selfless love of "people and people, things and things"; "Treat others' difficulties as your own, and treat comrades' happiness as your own" reflects the self sacrifice of "a gentleman respects others and belittles himself, and precedes others"; "I would like to be a screw forever" highlights the dedication and dedication of "work hard and die later"; "I would like to exercise myself in the hard struggle in the storm" reflects the perseverance of "the sword edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold"; "There is time to learn. The question is whether we are good at crowding, and whether we are willing to drill", which highlights the hard study of "perseverance, stone can be carved". Although he was in an ordinary position, Lei Feng always kept in mind the purpose of serving the people heart and soul, practiced the clank oath of "for the party, willing to shed blood and never change his mind" with his short and brilliant life, and wrote the unswerving commitment of "I am willing to do what I want to do well, even though I am dying, I still have no regrets".

The Communist Party of China has always attached great importance to China's excellent traditional culture. As early as the Anti Japanese War, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China emphasized that "Chinese Communists are the inheritors of all the best traditions of our nation in terms of culture, ideology and morality. They regard all these excellent traditions as being connected with their own flesh and blood, and will continue to carry them forward". Under the edification and cultivation of our party's glorious tradition, Lei Feng has grown into a real communist soldier. In the practice of socialist revolution and construction, Lei Feng's spirit, which takes the Chinese excellent traditional culture as the source and soil, has emerged as the times require, and has become a monument of the times to interpret the spirit and character of the Communist Party of China. Lei Feng spirit is not only the reflection and reflection of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also the crystallization and sublimation of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. It conveys profound cultural confidence and value confidence, and encourages and inspires generations to follow Lei Feng's footsteps, practice Lei Feng's spirit, and walk on the road of "learning from Lei Feng" forever.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "Lei Feng Spirit is the combination of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation over five thousand years, the Red Revolution culture and the socialist culture." Today, we learn, carry forward and inherit Lei Feng Spirit, which is to integrate it into the spirit and character of our Chinese nation, and grow an uplifting spiritual backbone, To provide a strong spiritual impetus for building China into a modern socialist power in an all-round way and achieving the second century goal with lofty ideals, beliefs and moral pursuit.

(Author: Hu Yanan)

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